Lightning Tidal wave jutsu

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                   Sakura p.o.v

Running out of my apartment we looked at the large fire growing. Standing within the flames was a man with a evil glare.

"We have to stop this" I  said as together we ushered villagers away from the flames that were spreading. Sasuke nodded in agreement.

That's when the man within the flames spoke. "You there, nine tails. Come with me and your village wont burn. "Naruto gritted his teeth but to my surprise it wasn't Naruto who replied.

"Let it burn" Sasuke darkly replied. Shocked I took a step forward but Sasuke froze me with his cold blooded red eyes, a look I wouldn't be surprised could stop anyone.

"Do you not care what becomes of your home boy? Or are you always this naïve?"

"Come down here and say that," Sasuke growled. Naruto smiled, "Yeah. Anybody can stand inside fire and be protected, come out and fight like a man!"

"Have they both lost their minds!?" My inner yelled into my head. That's when I  noticed the two clones of Sasuke and Naruto sneaking up behind the fire.

"Give yourself up and save me the trouble boy." The man said. Again Sasuke replied with a cold chill. "I won't tell you again, get down here and do something about it."

The man's eyes filled with hate. The flames grew dimmer, the man floated down and once his feet touch the ground the flames were gone.

"NOW!!!!" Sasuke yelled, at that same instant their clones performed a series of hand signs. A blue, lightning filled ball of chakra filled their hands. Charging forward they yelled in unison, "LIGHTNING TIDLE WAVE JUTSU!!!" The attack him the man head on.

The air around them exploded sending Sasuke and Naruto back into the dirt. I gritted my teeth and struggled to keep my footing as the smoke cleared.

The man's body laid right in front of me, he looked lifeless that is until he groaned and started to stand.

"Sakura run!!!" Came Naruto's voice but it was to late, the man had already gotten to his feet, his hate filled eyes fell on me and an evil smile played on his lips. "Now one of you get to die!!" he yelled launching himself at me.

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