Chapter 1

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There's Always Tomorrow

Prequel to Beautiful When You Don't Try. Lauren/Adrianne Emotional Fluff(also some smut😏) Rated M for later chapters. Camila is mentioned a lot


Here is the prequel to Beautiful When You Don't Try. Chapter one. The original Author tried to stick with the same overall vibe of the verse, but without making it seem too strange to have a Lauren/Adrianne pairing. Don't worry all you Camren lovers. Camila will be a prominent character, just not by being there physically.

This is the first chapter so it's mainly about how they meet. The next chapter that will be posted gets more settled. The goal for this prequel is to have you all go back and (re-)read BWYDT afterwards, and kind of hate Lauren during the beginning instead of Adrianne. I know that sounds horrible, but it will round out the whole story much nicer. You'll understand both sides of the story with this one, not just Lauren's.


Lauren leaned against the bottom row of desks in her psychology class. Her lips were pursed in annoyance, her foot tapping, and her green eyes rolled up to the ceiling. All while she reminded herself that she had set a goal to learn to be more patient. She needed to learn not to bite people's heads off when they were acting stupid. She needed to not ask them point blank if they were morons. She needed to not stare at them in complete disbelief of their stupidity until they got the picture and walked away in shame and fear. She needed to change that. That behavior wasn't making her happy or proud. And that was why she continued to stand where she had been for the last ten minutes as her professor flirted with two of her class' dumbest female students.

"Are you planning on sleeping with him?" A voice called out and it took Lauren a minute to realize they were talking to her. She dropped her eyes from the ceiling to the professor's teaching assistant who was currently grading papers next to her.

"Excuse me?"

The brunette set her pen down and pointed to the occupied teacher. "Are you planning on sleeping with him?"

The raven-haired didn't know how to respond to such a blunt and inappropriate question besides a simple and rather haughty "No."

"Then you're wasting your time standing here. He won't help you, only give you the run around until he gets what he wants, which is in your pants."

"Is that how you got your position?" The cutting remark fell of her lips before she could even catch herself. Lauren closed her eyes in regret and opened them again to see the assistant reclined back in her seat with an offended but amused smile on her face. "I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated from waiting."

The blue eyes staring back at her were unblinking. "That's alright. But to answer your question, no. I'm not sleeping with him. Not that he didn't give me this position hoping to remedy that fact." She explained, rolling her eyes. "But anyway, what did you need to know and maybe I can help you out since we both know he isn't going to be available to help anytime soon."

Lauren was thankful that the girl didn't take severe offense to her crassness and tell her to fuck off, but rather offered to help. She set her books down and pulled out the printout that outlined what her next paper was to be written on.

"Oh, wait." The brunette interrupted her, seeing what was in her hand. "Let me guess. You're looking for that one example he left off, right? There's an example for three of the four personality types and you're looking for the fourth."

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

She laughed lightly and took the paper from Lauren's hand and began to write on it. "That's how he gets them down here." She remarked, pointing quickly to the two students that were fully enveloped in his flirtation. "He intentionally leaves things off so that he is approached after class. It gives him prime flirting opportunities."

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