Chapter 19

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A/N: Okay this is gonna be my last update of 2018. The next one will be in 2019!! Wow, the year is already over, times flies... thank you all for reading my converted fics and I hope you will be reading the new fics I'll upload here on Wattpad in 2019. For now, I wish all of you a Happy and Healthy New Year!

In the next few chapters is where the larger time jumps come in. We've already had one of a few months but now we are going to get into how Lauren ended up becoming famous and how she got to New York as well as Adrianne's decision to quit school.



"Now that wasn't too terribly bad, was it?" Adrianne asked in a teasing tone as she drove away from her parents' house. Lauren rolled her eyes and looked out her car window, trying to hide her smile.

"No. It wasn't that bad. I just... I don't know. I still feel that my apprehension was justifiable with everything from my past."

The brunette looked at her girlfriend from the corner of her eye and silently debated with herself as if she was going to push for actual information now or not. Adrianne let out a quick breath. "And what exactly is that 'everything from your past'?"

Lauren turned her head and met Adrianne's eyes before the other woman turned her attention back to the traffic. "My family. My parents." She answered back, knowing she had already told her this countless times.

"Yes. I know that." Adrianne retorted back in the same tone. "I'm asking for details. All I really know is that you grew up in a religious household. Very prim and proper. Your father was the man of the house and kicked you out when you got pregnant. He cheated so your mother kicked him out and asked you to come back home. Then she let him come home and you pretty much ran away as soon as you graduated. You weren't allowed to be anything other than perfect while you lived there, having to live up to Mommy and Daddy's expectations. But that's all I really know."

Once again Lauren was left speechless at how little she had ever shared with the woman she had been dating for so long. She knew the woman Lauren had started to become, but nothing of who she had been. The issue wasn't really sharing what her family was like, but the actual sharing part. Opening up and letting someone inside was the hardest thing for Lauren. "I'm scared to let people in." The words fell out of her mouth before she even realized it and panic gripped her. Her eyes were glued outside the windshield in front of her as she saw Adrianne take a few quick glances at her.

"You're scared to let me in? Why?" The raven-haired swallowed hard, knowing she needed to talk but could feel all of her senses collapsing down inward, sheltering her feelings and thoughts. "Lauren."

"Not just you. Everyone. Anyone."

"Okay." The brunette stated in the silent gap, waiting for something to go on. "And again, why?"

"Lots of reasons."

Adrianne waited again but Lauren wasn't going to give her anything else. But to Lauren, she was giving a lot. "I kind of need a bit more than that. How about sharing one of those reasons."

"Don't talk to me like I'm a child." The raven-haired mumbled, turning her face completely away from her girlfriend. This was hard and Adrianne's natural ability and comfort with being open made her feel stupid enough as it was. She didn't need the condescending tone to go along with it.

"You clearly need baby steps so I was just trying to help you out. You're telling me that it scares you to open up to people for lots of reasons. I asked why? You didn't really leave me any other questions to ask beyond that." Lauren didn't respond and continued to stare out of her window. Adrianne was lost. The younger woman was giving her the tiniest pieces information and then got mad at her for asking a simple question. The brunette propped her elbow on the driver's door and ran her hands through her hair to calm her frustration. "Does one of those reasons have to deal with how you had to behave at home when you were growing up? You had to act a certain way so you had to hide the feelings or beliefs that didn't go along with it?"

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