Chapter 18

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A/N: In this chapter, there is more of the family visit. Since they are just meeting Lauren, there aren't those deep emotional talks between her and Marie. She is still hiding pretty much everything about her. This visit was more about observations. The talks and bonding happened during later visits.

In upcoming chapters, we will be hitting on Lauren's decision to travel and what she is going to do since Adrianne still has one year left in school. With that chapter, we will see a lot of Adrianne's emotions and thoughts. We will see how Camila and Adrianne's fears of her roll into everything. Adrianne's feelings are going to start to change soon. We are going to get to see how she went from the sweet, supportive girlfriend to the one having to constantly push and be somewhat insecure in regards to Lauren's emotions.

I hope you enjoy.


"I know that you are the baby of the family and that you may be the favourite child, but don't you think it's about time your parents packed up your room?" Lauren asked as she turned in a slow circle in the middle of Adrianne's time capsule of a bedroom while the brunette blushed from the doorway.

"They stated general laziness and the fact that they could always use it as a guest room as their excuses." The raven-haired arched an eyebrow and Adrianne raised her hands in innocence. "I don't argue with them. I don't mind staying here and I haven't brought anyone home in a while to meet them... I kind of thought they would have changed it by now."

"Oh my God, is this you?" Lauren cooed as she picked up a family photo and Adrianne's rushed to take it from her. "Wait. I want to see it. You were so cute."

"I was not."

"Yes, you were. Look that those cheeks. I just want to pinch them."

"So I was chunky."

"I never said anything about being chunky. I just said I thought your cheeks were cute." Lauren argued as she continued to wrestle with Adrianne for the picture as the two fell onto the bed in a fit of giggles.

"And I bet you missed the eyebrows in serious need of plucking as well?"

"I wasn't going to say anything about them."

"Or the acne all over my face."

Lauren suddenly stopped fighting, causing Adrianne to hesitate. Lauren's face was very serious as she looked up to her girlfriend who was now straddling her lap as she laid on her back. "And look at the beautiful woman you managed to turn into." Adrianne didn't know what to say or do in response to that. She just sat there, looking down on her girlfriend as her mind fought to form words. "You are. You know that." Lauren assured her, relinquishing the picture and resting her hands on the brunette's thighs. "People tell you it all the time."

"I don't always feel it though." She replied back shyly.

Lauren sat up and surprised Adrianne yet again with a tender kiss, lingering before barely pulling away and waiting for the older woman to open her eyes again before speaking. "Then let me help you."

"Where does this smoothness come from? I mean, not two minutes ago you were fumbling to complete a sentence, and an hour before that you were on edge and nearly biting my head off in the car." The raven-haired shrugged and diverted her eyes, lightly bouncing her legs under her girlfriend playfully, earning a smile from her. Adrianne loved this playful side when Lauren would show it. The raven-haired just seemed so natural then. Adrianne leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck and kissed her cheek. "I love you."

"You know what?"

"What?" She asked, pulling her head back to see Lauren's eyes as they turned and met hers.

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