Chapter 14

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A/N: Now this story is going to change a bit. It's been going by with weekly jumps between chapters (or so). But after this chapter, there are going to be larger jumps. It's becoming more like little glimpses into their relationship now that we have seen how they got together. The original Author want to show you the important moments that lead to the breakup but also the developments that got them to where they were at the time (meeting Adrianne's parents, Adrianne learning exactly what Camila is to Lauren, how Lauren actually got started, when Adrianne gave up school, how they got to New York). Those are the things that are going to be covered.

Thank you all for reading and commenting. And enjoy!


"Adrianne. Adrianne." Lauren turned on the bedroom light and scowled at the waking brunette.

"What is wrong?"

"You got the wrong kind."

"I got the what?" Adrianne blocked the blinding light with her hand as she stared at her girlfriend hovering over her next to the bed with an ice cream container in hand. "It's one thirty in the morning and you're waking me up to tell me that I bought you the wrong damn ice cream? And it's what you asked for. The vanilla with chocolate and peanut butter swirled in it."

"No," Lauren stated forcefully, shifting her weight onto one foot. "I wanted the bunny tracks. They have little chocolate and peanut butter bunnies in them. The swirls are caramel and chocolate. Not peanut butter and chocolate. I need the bunny tracks."

Adrianne dropped her hand down on her stomach and stared at the raven-haired in pure disbelief. "You have lost your mind, haven't you?" Lauren scoffed and stormed out of the bedroom. The brunette rolled her eyes and growled in frustration before dramatically throwing the covers off of her and rolling out of bed to follow. "Lauren..." She called after her. She found the raven-haired in the kitchen melting the ice cream in the running hot water of the sink. "Lauren, what are you doing. It's perfectly good ice- Whoa."

Adrianne abandoned her arms around Lauren's waist as the raven-haired turned around, glaring and pointing the spoon in the retreating brunette's face. "I told you that I have these cravings still."

"You did." she tried to calm her, cautiously taking the spoon from her hand and hiding it behind her back. She had thought it would be funny to hide Lauren's carton of ice cream from her just shortly after they had first moved in, burying it in the back of the freeze, but quickly found out that was a horrible, horrible idea. "And I'm sorry I bought the wrong kind. But can you calm down for like, two seconds so I no longer feel the need to lock myself in the bathroom for my own safety." Suddenly Lauren burst into tears and dropped her forehead on Adrianne's shoulder. "Oh, okay. I'm sorry. Whatever I did, I am unbelievably sorry."

The brunette was confused and scared but attempted to comfort the unusually emotional woman in her arms, rubbing her hand over her back. The fear shifted to concentration as she bit back laughter while Lauren rambled on in an unintelligible garbled speech as she cried. Adrianne raises her eyes to the ceiling and bit down on her bottom lip trying so hard not to shake as she laughed silently. Once she got control of herself she shushed the raven-haired enough that she could stand up straight and maybe repeat something Adrianne could understand.

"Let's try this again, Babe. What's wrong?"

The raven-haired sniffed and wiped away her tears, knowing just how stupid she looked at the moment. "I'm sorry. It's not about the ice cream. I mean, it is because I really need my bunnies but it's not just about the bunnies."

Adrianne's serious face faltered again but she recovered quickly. "Okay, well... then what is the real problem."

"I miss her."

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