Chapter 24

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A/N: One more chapter. In the next chapter, we are going to see what Adrianne is up to, more of Lauren's harlot stage, as well as how everything came to be and everyone found their places in BWYDT.

I want to thank everyone who has read this and stuck through it. I know it's not one of the typical stories full of mushy stuff and love, not to mention you already know how it's going to end. But thank you for reading it. For not being a true Camren fic, this has still managed to hold a lot of readers and that just amazes me. So thank you and I hope you enjoy the last two chapters.


There are those days in everyone's life when everything just seems so simple and crystal clear. It's as if the world has been smacking you in the face for years but you're just now realizing that you can stop it. Today was that day for Adrianne. She stood in the studio office peering out the window as a work crew finished putting up a large poster advertising Camila's show across the street. She wasn't angry anymore. She wasn't sad, hurt, fearful. She just watched with an expressionless face at the smiling actress that stared back at her, knowing that she would be there every day, watching over her and Lauren, holding them back. But that's when Adrianne truly realized it. It didn't matter if that poster was their or not, Camila was always there. Always had been and always will be. Her presence was only growing stronger with each passing day especially since the engagement news turned out to be a false rumor.

"Hey." The raven-haired greeted with a smile as she walked into the office and started shuffling through papers on her desk. "What are you looking at?"

"Camila Cabello." Lauren's head shot up but she fought herself from running to the window in the off chance of seeing the brunette walk down the street. "They're putting up a poster for her show across the street."

The raven-haired swallowed hard, knowing this was going to start another fight. They had been doing well since these last few months, more good times than bad despite how frequent the bad were, but there was still something to hold on to. "We can shut the blinds if you-"

"No," Adrianne said calmly as she continued to watch the men work just like she had been for the last hour. "Is everyone gone?"

Lauren nodded slowly, unsure of how to read her girlfriend's mood. It was rare that Adrianne was completely calm. She had her pensive moments but that usually left her with a look of concentration on her face. Not now though. "Yeah. They just left."

"Good. Because we need to talk." Adrianne slowly turned and met Lauren's eyes with lifeless ones of her own. Lauren had known this woman for years, lived with her for years, but she had never seen her like this. So unfeeling and... numb.

"What do we need to talk about?" The raven-haired asked nervously, feeling something definite was about to come her way. "Have you decided where you wanted to go for our trip?"

Adrianne held her eyes for a little bit longer before dropping them to look at the ground. "You and I both know there isn't going to be a trip... This isn't working, Lauren."

"What's not working?" Neither women were expecting the emotional break in Lauren's voice and Adrianne had to swallow down her own emotions. She knew this was what they both needed but hearing that Lauren was truly going to be affected by it caught her off guard. She had been sure the raven-haired was just waiting for the right time.

"Us. I mean, I love you." Her voice cracked under the pressure, unable to hold it back like she had been for so long now. "I love you more than anything but I can't compete with her. She knows you in ways that I never can because you won't let me. She knows your past and I've given up on every trying to know it." She paused and stepped closer to the raven-haired who was barely shaking her head in response. "Did you hear that last part. I gave up on trying to know you, my girlfriend. That's not right."

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