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A/N: This update has some Camila in it.

With this chapter, we start getting into the 'meat and potatoes' of how their relationship worked, and how it started to fall apart very slowly. For the first time, Adrianne gets a little insight on what Lauren hadn't been telling her and at the same time, getting to see what Lauren is seeing/feeling/thinking about it all.

I hope you enjoy.


It had been a long and exhausting day for Adrianne. She always ended this day being incredibly jealous of Lauren. Somehow the raven-haired ended up with no classes while Adrianne ended up with four. It really didn't help on top of that one of her teachers had it out for her. She was apparently too opinionated for the teacher's taste. "So, what are you watching so intently?" Adrianne asked as she crashed down on the bed, resting on hand behind her head on the pillow and bringing the other to tuck under her chin.

"The Grammy's."

The brunette's brow dropped and studied the TV then the side of Lauren's glowing face. "The Grammy's? I thought you hated award shows. What on Earth possessed you to watch the Grammy's?"

Lauren looked down at her and smiled that smile that Adrianne loved to see so much. That genuine smile where her eyes beamed along with her face in pure happiness. And then she looked back at the TV. "Camila's nominated for one. Well, her show is nominated for one."

"Camila... as in your friend from high school? As in the one you have the tattoo for?"

Lauren nodded her head, eyes glued to the screen still. "Yeah."

Adrianne would have normally been ecstatic for Lauren seeing the person she had wrapped so much importance into succeeding, but there was that look in Lauren's eye that made the warmth drain from her body instead. That look meant something. That was the look that Lauren would look at her with. Adrianne cleared her throat and tried to control the mixture of jealousy and hurt that had suddenly hit her, knocking the smile off of her face. Lauren was just happy for her old classmate. She had given her such a hard time in the past and was now rooting for the singer to prove her wrong. "Has she been on yet?"

The raven-haired shook her head, biting her bottom lip as she watched, not even blinking in case she could see the woman walking the red carpet in the background. "It's just starting. I don't even know if they would show her on the carpet. You know, like for interviews. I'm not too sure how popular a cast of a Broadway musical would be since it's the soundtrack that's nominated."

"I see," Adrianne remarked, losing her confidence the longer Lauren went without blinking. "Well, maybe you'll see her in the background or something." The raven-haired only nodded. Adrianne couldn't help but feel a little ignored. She had just spent all day away from her girlfriend and had yet to be asked how her day was. Lauren even knew that she had a test today that she had been dreading. But at the same time, Adrianne shook her head. Why was she getting so upset about this? This was something important to Lauren and had nothing to do with her. "How did you find out she was nominated?"

The show broke for a commercial and Lauren pivoted on the bed to face her girlfriend. "In class."

"In class?"

She nodded curtly. "There were a few girls behind me in one of my classes running down a list of nominations and her name caught my attention."

Adrianne nodded her head slowly. "But you didn't have classes today."

Lauren's smile faltered for a second. "I heard about it yesterday." Her mouth was suddenly dry. She had just lied to her girlfriend, twice. The woman who had been nothing but supportive and patient and caring with her. Yet she still couldn't bring herself to explain that she had actually searched for Camila on the internet earlier in the day while Adrianne was at class. Why was she even scared of Adrianne knowing that? Was it a crime to be curious?

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