Chapter 12

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A/N: I must say that I am glad you love these two together and I'm also (sadly) glad that you are on Adrianne's side. That's what the original Author was wanting. And... you're only going to dislike Lauren even more. But if you do re-read BWYDT, you see most of Lauren's actions as more of tough love. She finally accepted what needed to be done and did it because she couldn't be unfair anymore.

In this chapter, we start laying out how Lauren and Adrianne got to be where they were in regards to famous photographer and assistant (paid assistant). It's not much of a base created here, but it's the beginnings. It sets up something else but I can't remember... Oh. Requested sexytimes in here. :P

But anyway. Thank to everyone who is reading and commenting and those of you who are sending me messages. I read them all. I love hearing your thoughts on things. So thank you all. I hope you enjoy.


"Adrianne, hurry it up. We're going to be late." Lauren called out as she messed with the settings on her camera, checking the battery, and the memory card.

"So, how do I look?"

The raven-haired pivoted slightly to look behind her at the brunette who was expertly displaying her wardrobe. They were the skimpiest short rainbow shorts Lauren had ever seen and displayed the brunette's long legs well enough that she couldn't even stop the moan from rising from the back of her throat. Then there was the skin-tight white tank with a rainbow across her prominently displayed breasts. "Good God, woman."

"You like what you see?" All Lauren could do was nod her head. "Good, then perhaps it will be easier to tempt you to change."

"I'm not wearing anything like that. I would be so uncomfortable with all that skin showing." The raven-haired stated as Adrianne approached and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's neck, pecking her lips lightly.

"You don't have to. But this is not an event for one of your sundresses either. So, you. Jeans. Now. Need to show off that amazing ass of yours more often. And I have a pride shirt for you too." The raven-haired arched an eyebrow at her suggestion. "Babe, you and I have been dating for how long? Holding hands and kissing for how long? Having amazing sex for how many endless nights in a row now?"

Lauren couldn't help but drop her eyes and shake her head as she blushed. She loved the bluntness of her girlfriend, but it still embarrassed her sometimes, even if no one else was around to hear what was being said. It was simply the fact that it was said. "I'm not ashamed of being gay. I just... there's that part of me that thinks that pride parades are doing exactly what homophobic people say we do, rub our sexuality in their faces."

"It's not about rubbing anything in anyone's face. It's about putting faces to the cause. Showing our numbers. That it's not just a handful of us that want equality, but a huge mass of us. A mass that can't be denied. And for you," She cooed, grabbing Lauren's hands in hers. "I'm hoping it will be that one last step you take, truly accepting who you are."

"I know who I am."

"Fine, that you know who you are and you aren't afraid of going to hell for it. That you are actually proud of what we have."

"Now that was a low blow," Lauren warned, suddenly feeling guilty and wondering if Adrianne thought she was ashamed of their relationship.

"It wasn't meant to be a low blow. I'm sorry. I don't always think of how what I am saying comes out." Adrianne winced, dropping her forehead to Lauren's as apology. "Just that you're proud to have made a choice that most won't agree with and you're sticking to it. That's all."

"I am proud." The raven-haired stated softly before lifting her head and Adrianne's, delivering a chaste kiss to her lips. "I am very proud to have found someone that makes me feel comfortable enough with myself in order to make that choice."

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