Chapter 7

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A/N: Okay, okay, okay... it's very short.

You're at least getting their second date in there and a bit more of Lauren showing her 'BWYDT' side. You are also going to be getting a few nudges of Camila and finally seeing some... difference between Adrianne and Camila in regards to Lauren.

I know you all have voiced your concerns because this fic doesn't have a happy ending and BWYDT was all about the fluffiness, but there's going to be more fluff than drama. Lauren and Adrianne relationship was complicated because they never shared certain feelings with each other so most of their drama is internal. But there is still a lot of fluff. They did care about each other, it was just figuring out what those emotions really were. This whole verse is a complicated web of actual personal growth for many of the characters and this just explains it. It's funny because while learning about how Lauren came to be this new version of herself, you are also getting a show of how Adrianne came to be the only way you've seen her (pushy, protective, and heartbroken. Clearly she wasn't always that way).

Thank you to everyone who is reading. Thank you and enjoy (what there is). Sorry again for its short length.


"So, where exactly are we going?" Adrianne asked as Lauren led her on a worn path through thick woods. "I mean, you aren't really some psycho killer who's going to take me miles away from civilization and hack me into tiny bits so no one can ever find me, are you?"

Lauren stopped suddenly and turned to meet Adrianne's confused ocean blue eyes. "How'd you know?"

"Shut up." She ordered, playfully slapping Lauren's arm and the raven-haired instantly smiled. The smile never left her face as Adrianne took her hand in hers and let the younger woman continue to guide her. The feeling of the older woman's hand in hers just felt like it brought life to her senses as if she had never felt this much when touching someone else. It was right. It fit. Their hands were supposed to find each other. "I'm just saying that we've been walking for fifteen minutes now. We're on a trail so that gives me hope that we're actually going somewhere, but the length of the mystery trail and it's less than casually traveled condition has left me rather curious as to what your intentions truly are."

It was moments like these when Adrianne rambled that Lauren had to stop her thoughts from drifting into the past that she wasn't ready to deal with just yet. It was a struggle, but having the brunette there as a comforting distraction definitely helped. "We're almost there. And just in time too."

"Just in time... yeah, that's not at all foreboding."

"Hey. Just be thankful that I left my hacksaw in the trunk. All I can do now is have my way with you where there's no one around to hear you scream." She joked, causing Adrianne to smile.

"Who said I would have a problem with that?"

Lauren's smile faltered just slightly, but Adrianne didn't see. She was too busy looking down at her feet and blushing. That was a bridge that Lauren was hesitant to cross. Not just because it would be her first time with a woman and she wasn't entirely sure what to do, but because she hadn't been with anyone since Zayn and her memories of that encounter were still a little fuzzy. In her mind, she was still pretty much a virgin. She was just lacking the hymen.

"Here we are." The raven-haired announced, motioning to a gap between the trees. Adrianne paused and looked at Lauren like she was crazy. "Fine, follow me." She took the smiling brunette by the hand again and walked another twenty feet off the path before coming to a clearing that overlooked the scenery below the high hill they were standing on. Distant ponds could be seen glowing as the dimming sun played off of their placid surfaces. And the shadows cast by the trees danced in the light breeze that was blowing.

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