Chapter 2

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Alright, so in this chapter... it's a week or so later, not the day after. I don't think it is mentioned in the actual chapter so I'll tell you now. The friendship is starting to take off and information is being shared, bonds are being made... all that good stuff. Um... there was something else I wanted to say but I can't think of it besides I am so glad you all are liking this already. Especially those of you who either said you weren't going to read it and did or those of you who were concerned. It's going to play with your emotions when it comes to your stance on Camren. But this is about Lauren dealing with herself and later her feelings for Camila and being torn about Adrianne. While from Adrianne's point of view, this is about her feelings for Lauren and how she is affected by Lauren's feelings for Camila. Emotional drama coated in humor and fluff.

Thank you for all the sweet comments you left me for the last chapter of BWYDT and for the first chapter of this fic on my Wattpad. And I hope you enjoy this chapter as well.

Also, this is a little short but they will be much longer starting next week.


"It's been a while since I've been in one of these," Adrianne stated softly as she followed Lauren into the church, looking up and taking in the high stain glass ceilings.

"How long?"

"Six years or so."

Lauren stopped and turned around. "Yeah, that has been a while."

"What about you?" The brunette asked as they started walking towards the pulpit again. "Are you a good little Catholic girl?"

"I am."


"I am."

"I knew it. You can always spot them."

The raven-haired turned around again as they reached their destination and smiled in amusement at the comment. "Please, explain that."

"Well, they're the ones with their head up high but a hundred pound ball and chain of guilt dragging behind them. I thought that always made them pretty easy to spot... Also the fact that when we walked in, you looked for the bowl of holy water to bless yourself with despite that fact that this is not a Catholic church.."

She laughed lightly at the observation. "And I'm going to assume by the fact that you actually knew what I was looking for, that you were at least raised Catholic as well."

"That I was."

"So why don't you go to church anymore?" Lauren asked as she began setting up her equipment.

"I don't belong there."

"Why not?"

"Well, for starters, I don't believe in it. And secondly, they don't believe in me."

The raven-haired stood up straight and looked back at her friend who was still taking in her surroundings. "Meaning?"

"I'm gay." Lauren nearly dropped her camera, she was so taken back by the confession. "That reaction never gets old." The brunette teased, lightening the weight of embarrassment Lauren was feeling at the moment.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I mean, as long as you aren't going to turn me into the preacher or pastor or whatever this denomination calls it. And of course, as long as you don't start lecturing me about-"

"No. God, no. I'm not homophobic or anything like that. I'm a believer into each his own."

Adrianne nodded her head once. "Good to know." The two stood in a thick, awkward silence. "And you are completely freaked out right now."

There's Always Tomorrow (Prequel to BWYDT)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang