Chapter 9

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A/N: I'm going to take this first part of my notes to address a comment that I couldn't respond back to privately (not meant as a rant, just an explanation). Firstly, I understand what you are saying, but you are missing a few things. Lauren does not abandon her faith completely at the snap of Adrianne's fingers. Adrianne represents an extreme view that is very anti-religious. She sees flaws in the Bible. (There are some people who do not see where there should be a separation between the Old Testament and the New. There are also and always have been people who believe the Bible should be read literally. You can't ignore that fact.) Adrianne took the flaws in the Bible as reason enough to say God does not exist. If you read back over BWYDT when Lauren is trying to explain her own views to Camila, she states she doesn't believe in religion. But she's torn about God. She wants to believe in Him but finds it difficult. She doesn't take Adrianne's beliefs as her own but rather struggles to figure out her beliefs separately. Things aren't that clear-cut in real life and the original Author wanted to show that.

Now that that has been addressed, on to this chapter which is a little bit shorter than average. The next chapter will be a step forward from this one... I'm sure you'll understand once you finish this one. This is kind of just a fluff chapter with some discussion and a bit further understanding between the two women. There is a jump in time because, like I said before, we don't do a day to day account of their three-year-long relationship. We going to just start hitting the big things with a chapter of build up here and there.

Alright, so now with half a chapter of notes, I'll let you get to the story. Thank you to everyone who reads, comment and for the likes. I hope you enjoy!


Several Weeks Later


"I need to study," Adrianne mumbled between kisses and giggles as Lauren pushed her back to lay down on the couch.

"Okay. Go ahead." The raven-haired stated, moving her mouth to the brunette's neck, sucking gently.

"Like I could concentrate with you doing that." Like she could do anything with her doing that.

"You never said anything about needing to concentrate."

Adrianne rolled her eyes and lifted Lauren's face to hers. She was going to tell her that she really did need to study and they could pick up on this later, but those smiling green eyes stole her argument from her. She smiled back faintly and released the raven-haired so she could capture her lips with her own. That kiss was undeniable and so sweet tasting. "You're going to make me fail."

"Quit and be my assistant."

"Make enough money to actually pay me." Adrianne teased as she closed her eyes tight while the raven-haired returned her mouth to her pulse spot. The brunette's hands ran up and down her sides catching the light material of her shirt and pulling it up to expose some of her skin. Lauren moaned as Adrianne's warm hands pressed against her lower back, pulling her body closer. "Stay with me tonight." This was a statement, not the question that had been asked multiple times in the past.

Lauren pressed her forehead on her roommate's and tried to lose herself in her touch. She was struggling with her answer. "I can't."

"Why not? It's been three weeks since you're last issue with what we're doing. You hold my hand when you walk me to class. You've kissed me in front of my friends. You've even given me flowers and finally asked me to be your girlfriend. What's left to make you ready?"

Lauren fought against her hold as she sat up, pulling Adrianne with her. Lauren ran a hand over her face in embarrassment as she fought to find the words to explain herself without sounding like a complete dork. "This is new to me." Adrianne nodded knowingly. This wasn't new information to her. "Not just because you're a woman. I'm talking about... intimacy in general." Adrianne dropped her brow in confusion. "I've only had sex with one person."

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