Chapter 16

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A/N: Thank you for everyone who is reading. Thank you so very, very, very much for those of you who take the time to like and comment. Your words are my motivation to keep going. I hope you enjoy.


"I love them. You did great." Lauren stated as she clicked through the photos she had taken with the sheet-clad brunette standing over her shoulder.

"You were the one taking the pictures. I think the credit goes to you."

"Yet I would have no pictures without you." She argued back as she turned to face her girlfriend who still had that look of self-doubt in her eyes. Lauren hated seeing that look. It was breaking her heart. "Do you trust me?"

Adrianne pulled her head back at the unexpected question and stood up, maintaining a studying gaze of the seated raven-haired. "What kind of a question is that?"

"One you haven't answered yet. Do you trust me?"

Adrianne paused again, unable to figure out where the question was leading. "Of course." She answered in a light voice. Lauren stood up, grabbing her camera in one hand and Adrianne with the other. She led them to their bedroom and set down the camera before giving her full attention to the confused brunette.

"You." She began, looking Adrianne right in the eye. "Are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Now it's time for you to see it too. But I need you to trust me."

"I do trust you." Her tone was firm, yet cautious. She couldn't find any humor in the younger woman's face and knew she was being serious. It actually calmed any of the lingering worries she had about where this was leading.

Still holding Adrianne's eyes with hers, Lauren raised her hands to the hooked fabric keeping the sheet held around the brunette just under her arms and slowly began to undo it. Once it released, Lauren slowly pulled it away from Adrianne, balled it up and threw it across the room. She met the brunette's eyes once more before hooking her index fingers in the waistband of her panties and slowly dragging them down her legs until she stepped out of them. Adrianne gave her questioning gaze when the raven-haired motioned for her to lay on the bed.

With persistence and gentle guidance, Lauren moved her in place. She laid sideways with her head on the pillow. Her top arm was drawn across her body to cover her chest with her palm placed on the pillow in front of her face, holding the cushion back from her eyes, while her other was stretched up to rest on her hip. Her top leg was also positioned to lean forward and cover her, her knee lightly brushing the mattress. Lauren took an extra second to brush her hair in place, providing her with a warm smile before she moved off of the bed and grabbed her camera.

She saw Adrianne tense and met her eyes. "Trust me." The brunette took in a few deep breaths and nodded slightly. Lauren lifted the camera to her face and began taking pictures, moving around for various angles and loving how Adrianne's eyes remained fixed on her. Normally she would have looked anywhere else since the camera was the source of her anxiety, but now it what the person holding the camera that was the source of her comfort. Once she had gotten the pictures she was looking for, Lauren set the camera down and knelt on the bed, leaning over and lightly kissing Adrianne's lips. "Thank you."

"I'll tell you what," The brunette began as she left the bed to get dressed. "You have a way about you because I use to swear that I would never let someone photograph or videotape me naked."

"You were covered though." Lauren tried to assure her.

"Yet I was still very naked." The raven-haired only smiled as she leaned against the door frame and waited as her girlfriend pulled a baggy university shirt over her head and turned to join her. "You just have a way of calming people, of making them feel completely comfortable around you."

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