Chapter 3

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Joanne's POV

I sighed ringing the bell at, 221B Baker Street. John said I could stay with him and Sherlock until I got an apartment back. Yes, I was moving back to London. The door opened and I was instantly engulfed in a hug, I laughed "hello Mrs.Hudson, how are you" she smiled "oh it's so good to see you dear, is it true that your moving back?" I nodded. "Oh thank heavens, it's been getting a bit out of hand with those two boys, I'm glad to have you and Sarah back to knock some sense into them" I laughed "is Sarah here?" I asked anxiously "she was earlier, heard her talking to John about taking you to see her once you were settled. She didn't look good though, I think-" "excuse me Mrs.Hudson" I stepped past her and ran up the stairs. I heard her huff and say "young people these days, always in a rush". I walked into the apartment not bothering to knock, John stood in the kitchen powering himself a cup of tea. He starred at me, his tea now over flowing. I sighed grabbing a yowl and began to clean it up, again I was engulfed into another bone crushing hug. Don't British people know the importance of breathing? John awkwardly pulled away clearing his throat "nice to see you" "yea, so Mrs.Hudson told me Sarah was here" he nodded. "Us and Sherlock are going to where she is currently staying to see her and talk things out" he explained. The door opened and slammed and we looked to see Sherlock, "ready to go?" "go where" "to see Sarah" "I'm not going" he said bluntly. He was a mess, messy hair, a grim look, and god did he smell. I walked up to him and slapped him, both men starred at me in shock. "Pull yourself together! the woman you bloody love has come back front the dead because she couldn't stand to be without you. I haven't seen her yet and I can already tell what she's gonna be like. So your coming whether you like it out not" I dragged them both outside and we got into the taxi. John gave the driver the address that Sarah had given him. "Why are you heading there?" he asked as we drove "going to see an old friend" "strange for you to meet at an abandoned apartment building" we all looked at each other confused. Why would Sarah be there?

We got dropped off, I had to pay, and well none of knew what to do. The building, from the outside, looked abandon. "Oy!" we looked up to see Sarah poking out of the a window on the third floor. "Come on up,climb the stairs to the third floor and look for room 307" she then disappeared. I raced inside not carrying what the boys had to say, I could hear their footsteps behind me. We made it to the third floor and were able to find the room with in seconds. we burst through the door, and oh my lord. The place was a mess, papers everywhere, maps taped to the walls, dirty dishes in the sink, sheets on an old couch. She didn't even have a bed! "so this is what would happen if I let you get your own apartment" Sarah chuckled "yea sorry about the mess, didn't really have time to, clean up" she quickly stacked a few papers in a corner. "Is that a skull?" John asked pointing to, well a skull, siting on the mantle piece above the fireplace. "Birthday present, Luke thought I was to lonely up here" "so he bought you a skull" Sarah simply shrugged. "That's it your moving back in with me!" "Joanne I appreciate the concern, but-" "not buts! pack your bags your moving!" I stated sternly. "Can I have a moment alone with Sarah" I turned to Sherlock "fine but if I find her falling out a window your won't live to see the next sunrise" Sarah chuckled as I dragged John out.

Sarah's POV

"So what did you need to talk about?" I asked trying to stack a few more papers, I quickly cut a piece of tap and made sure my map of London's train routs staid on the wall. "So your officially back, not running away anymore" I starred at him "Sherlock I don't run from anything, I run to them" "you run and hide from your troubles. You hid from your siblings, you ran from Moriarty" "I didn't run from them! I left cause I knew Miley and Lee were better of without me, and I did not rub from Moriarty. I'm pretty sure if you knew what went down that day you would not be saying these things" I had taken a step closer and my voice had become dangerously low. How dare he say such things to me. "Then tell me what did happen that day? what was so terrible that you couldn't even call me for help! that it pushed you to the point of faking your death!" he yelled. "You!" I breathed deeply "he was going to kill you, and John, and Joanne, and Miley, and Lestrade. Now do you think I would have let you all die when I knew I could save you" Sherlock said nothing, he just starred at me. Silence, that's all there was, and it wasn't a nice one. Like the time I ran from the hospital and he found me eating chocolate ice cream, or the time he found out what Moriarty had done and I fell asleep on his lap. No, this wasn't like that, a knife could cut the tension, that's how thick it was. He would never forgive, things would never be the same, I saved every friend I had, but lost the one who meant the most in the process.

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