Chapter 18

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Tired, annoyed, and just want to take a hot bath. Zach was home, getting used to using a wheelchair. I climbed the stairs to my apartment, knowing a hot bath and comfortable bed was waiting for me

Or so I thought

I opened the door to see a table set, in my living room, with a romantic dinner. Sherlock stood their in his suit, with a black rose. I smiled as I closed the door, removing my coat and scarf and hanging them up. "What's all this?" "can't a man set up a romantic dinner for his girlfriend?" "normal boyfriends? yes, are you normal? no" we laughed. I took a seat and Sherlock sat across from me. It felt normal, two "normal" people, just having dinner. Sitting at a table, talking about life, making jokes, like normal people would.

It felt weird

"Alright Holmes, what was the point of all this?" I asked setting down my fork. "What do you mean?" "your Sherlock Holmes, you do everything for a reason" "like I said, can't-" "and we both know that's not your reason" I said interrupting him. He sighed " Sarah, we've been dating for four months now, and before that we dated for almost six. You were, you are, the first and only woman I could love. I never say it, but I do, I do love you" he paused for a moment. "The day you jumped off that building I felt something I had never felt before, to this day I still can't explain. I do know for a fact, I can't go another day without you" he got out of his "Sherlock what are you doing?" He got down on one knee. "Sarah Harvey, will you do the honors, of being my wife?" I smiled, "well what took you so long?" We laughed as we stood. Wrapping his arms around my waist and picking me up spinning me around, like they do in those stupid romance movies. He slipped the ring on my finger, a diamond between two emeralds. I couldn't stop smiling, we just stood there, as he held me close. I wish we could just stay here, frozen in this very moment, wanting the world to melt away. That we were just two normal people, who loved each other, who were going to spend their lives together.

Sadly, the real world was going to come and ruin that.

Lee's POV

"Try again!" "it won't do any good Miley!" once again, was arguing with my sister about whether or not I should try talking to Sarah again. She made her point quite clear, she wanted nothing to do with us. Who could blame her? if there was an Olympics for worlds worst brother, I would surely get the gold. Miley was right, I couldn't give up, I had to keep trying. I will prove myself to Sarah. She is my sister, she deserves so much better then what she's got. sarah doesn't deserve to be treated as she has been, she deserves to be treated like a queen. Yet she would be happy with living in a dump, literally.

Consider it done (Sequel to Mystery on Baker Street)Where stories live. Discover now