Chapter 7

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Joanne's POV

I sighed and me and John headed for his apartment. Sarah and Sherlock had never come back last night, we didn't worry about it thinking they would eventually show up but they never did. I opened the door and headed for sherlock's room. "Hey Joanne" "hey Sarah" I stopped in the middle of the hallway and walked back to the kitchen. There Sarah sat, on the counter, holding a cup of coffee, wearing Sherlock's shirt!!! "what the bloody hell happened?!?" "where did you get the coffee?" "young lady you better have some answers!" "I don't remember buying any" "Why are you in his shirt?!?" "can I have a cup?" "John shut up about the coffee!" I yelled. We all turned at the sound of a door opening, Sherlock walked out wrapped up in a sheet, which he almost dropped when he saw me and John. Sarah chuckled at the three of us. "SARAH FAITH HARVEY EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" I yelled "hey, you can't complain, don't act like I haven't heard you and John getting it on every once and a while" she winked and I felt my cheeks get hot. "Now, me and John are going out for breakfast, and when we get back I expect you both to be fully clothed and ready to go to Sherlock's parents house. Come on John" "but I didn't get to find out where the coffee came from" "John!" "coming dear" he said running out behind me.

Sarah's POV

I chuckled as Joanne left, "can I have some?" I nodded handing Sherlock a mug. "This is disgusting!" "I made it" I said with a pout "oh well then it's delicious" he tried forcing it down but failed. I laughed at his expression, I hopped off the counter and made my way to his room, but was stopped as two arms wrapped around my waist. "And where do you think your going?" "to get dressed, I'd rather not have Joanne decapitate me" he chuckled. "Which means I have to go out my dress back on and go back to my apartment" he groaned "do you have to go?" I chuckled " we have to be ready in less than an hour, so yes I do" "you should just move in so you don't have to" "and leave Joanne all alone? I don't think so" I kissed him and was able to escape his grasp.

I straightened my white blouse before leaving my room. Sherlock sat on the couch in his black slacks and red velvet button down, "who let you in?" "I picked the lock" I laughed sitting down beside him. Joanne and John got back and we all left, two people in each taxi. "I was, um, wondering I could, um, introduce you as my, well, you know" "girlfriend" I finished for him. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek "does that mean yes?" I laughed "yes"

"Would you like any help Mrs.Holmes?" I asked entering the kitchen, everyone else was in the living room talking. "Oh yes please set this on the table, and do call me Marie" I smiled as she handed me the plate and headed for the dining room. I set the plate down before heading back into the living room with Marie. "So how long have you two been married?" Joanne asked "over 50 years now" Scott said kissing his wife, they were so cute together. I felt Sherlock wrap his arms around my waist from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. He had become, I guess you could say soft, over time. "So when can we expect to be hearing the wedding bells" Marie joked "oh not from our, but probably them" I said motioning to Joanne and John. "What?" said Joanne as John's eyes widened "come on John" "John what are they talking about?" "just do it!" I exclaimed. John sighed before stepping in front of Joanne and getting down on one knee. "Joanne Elizabeth wild, will you marry me?" "yes!" she exclaimed hugging him as he stood. We all clapped as they kissed and John slipped the ring on her finger. We all sat down and ate, Marie was a wonderful cook. Afterwords, we all sat in the living room exchanging gifts. John got Joanne a charm bracelet, Joanne gave Sherlock a book on the scientific experiments you could do with a human brain,I gave Sherlock an actual brain since me and Joanne had planned our gifts together, I got John a new camera and Joanne a scrap a book of all our memories from high school until now. She did tear up a bit I must say. Joanne gave me a new gun, it was one I had wanted for a whole but never had the money for. Everyone was drinking tea or coffee and just chit chatted, so I decided to slip away and get some air. It was a coo night, but not cold enough to make me go inside and get a jacket. It was nice spending Christmas here I probably the greatest Christmas I had ever had. Sherlock's parents seemed to have already accepted me. "There you are" I smiled "congratulations Sherlock Holmes, you found me" he chuckled and stood beside me. "You know, I never did give you your present" I smiled "no need for presents Sherlock, being you is good enough for me" he shook his head. "Nope you still get a present" he hand me a box wrapped in white paper and it had a red bow. I ripped over the paper revealing a black box, I opened it to find a silver chain necklace with a small silver oval that read

Vous Aimer

"It means I love you, in french" I looked up at him and smiled. He helped me put it on while I held up my hair. I turned to him pressing my lips against his, his arms around my waist holding me close while mine hung around his neck. "I love you" he whispered "Vous Aimer" I replied with a smile.

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