Chapter 20

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Brief case in my hand that contained the files, we had men surrounding the place, hidden of course. I was wired so I could remain in contact and record the conversation. I stood at the pool, waiting.

I remember when I first came to London, I came here to help solve a case, to help defeat the worlds worst criminal. I didn't expect to have my brother fake his death, to have to fake my own, or to find love. I always thought I'd live my life alone, be that crazy old lady with funny stories to tell the neighborhood kids. Now, I may even have kids of my own someday.

I looked up to the sound of the door opening. "Nice to see you again Ms. Harvey, or is it now Mrs.Holmes?" "not important. Did you bring it?" he nodded holding up a case. "Open it" he did as I asked revealing the 15,000 dollars I had asked for. "You sure you want to do this? betray your friends, family, fiancé" "what I do from this day forward is not your concern" I stated sternly. He nodded, "well then let's trade cases and be on our way" "oh your not going anywhere" "excuse me?" Leastrade's men filed in. "Nicholas Krustov, you are under arrest for murder and kidnapping" "this isn't over! I told you Sarah Harvey, I am not one to be messed with!" Nicholas with grew a gun and fired. "Greg!" Joanne screamed, an officer instantly attack Nicholas taking his gun and cuffing him.

I ran over to Lestrade, the bullet had pierced his upper abdomen. "The ambulance is on their way" Joanne reassured, I pressed my hands against the wound, trying to stop the blood flow. At least ten minutes later, they arrived and carried him into their truck thing, I never knew what it was called. I rode with him, all the way to the hospital.

We arrived and they ran him into the emergency room. They performed emergency surgery and removed the bullet. They wouldn't let me see him, I paced back and forth in the waiting room as Joanne tried to calm me down. I couldn't even hear the words she spoke, the outside world meant nothing at the moment. Lestrade had to survive this, he had to. "Sarah!" I turned to see Lee and Miley walk in. "What do you two wan?" I spat "we're here for Greg" "no your not!" how dare they! how dare they pretend all those years of them disrespecting him and pretending he meant nothing to them didn't happen. "Sarah we-" "you can't start caring now, not after everything you did!" "Ms.Harvey" I turned to see the doctor. "Can we see him?" "yes, but he isn't doing well" ignoring him, I ran down the hallway towards his room.

He had a Mosel thing in his nose, at least six things hooked up to his one arm. His hair was a mess, and skin was pale. I stood at his bed side as everyone walked in. "We removed the bullet and repaired the tissue the best we could, we aren't sure if he will-" "doctor Carson, do remember the Serum I created when I was working in your lab two months ago?" I asked. He nodded, "do you still have it?" "yes, but it hasn't been-" "get it" "Sarah, his heart is weak, we don't know how it will affect him" he said franticly. Dr. Carson was never much of a risk taker. "Dr.Carson, the serum I created is specificity for a person with a weak heart, it was made to strengthen the heart. Are you going to deny this men the only chance he may have of being able to survive this? didn't think so, now get the damn serum!" he hurried out of the room. "Sarah what if it doesn't work?" "it has to Joanne, it has to" but what if it doesn't? what if he dies?" "he won't!" I yelled. "People die everyday, but sometimes if everything is just right, a day will come where nobody dies, where everybody lives. That day is today, everybody is going to love today!"

Dr.Carson returned with the serum, I got it into the needle. A nurse removed Lestrade's shirt and cleaned the section of his chest where the needle would be injected. I took a deep breath, he was going to live, he had to. I pushed the long needle into his chest, allowing the serum to enter him. I removed the needle and applied pressure to his chest to stop any bleeding. "Now what do we do?" Lee asked, just as Leteade Gasped. I smiled, "where am I? what happened?" he whispered. "Your fine old man, your gonna live" Dr.Carson ran a few tests, and said the serum had worked and wanted me to make more of it. Saying I might have just made a break threw in the world of medicine.

So that's what happened, today was a special day, where everything in the universe seemed to go just right, so today everybody could love.

Consider it done (Sequel to Mystery on Baker Street)Where stories live. Discover now