Chapter 14

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Sarah's POV

"Your gonna be fine" I reassured Joanne, she continued to pace back and forth. She always got nervous when having to go up in front of people. "Sweetheart?" "we turned to see her dad, "she's just nervous Mark" I reassured. He smiled "Joanne you will be just fine" "and I'll be there beside you the hole time" "well that's reassuring!" she exclaimed as me and Mark laughed. "Sweet heart, it's time and Sarah you have to go first" "right, see you up there" I hugged Joanne and straightened my tie, before leaving the room. I walked next to Sherlock, everyone looking at us, as the other few followed. It was a bit strange considering both me and Sherlock were wearing suits. We took our places, and looked at the door as the next song plaid. Joanne walked along side Mark, arm in arm, her dress was beautiful, her brown hair curled, two strains braided and pulled back. She finally reached John and took his arm and Mark took his seat. The preacher began to speak, welcomed everyone, and then brought it to the point where John and Joanne said their vows. They had decided to write their own, and Joanne went first. "John Watson, you are a great man, and I often ask what I did to deserve you. We've been through some really good times, and some really bad times. You stood with me, through the hardest times of my life, even when I wasn't so nice. I love you more than words can describe, no matter how cheesy that sounds" I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from laughing at her last comment. Now it was John's turn "Joanne, oh Joanne. We met because we both had blogs which where we wrote stories of our crazy friends. I don't think I would have been able to survive both Sherlock and Sarah unless you had shown up. I never thought I could be this happy, mainly because Sherlock would scare off every girl I dated. All though, in glad he did, cause then I met you and I didn't think I could find anyone better to spend my life with" they smiled at each other. " I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" Joanne threw her arms around johns neck and kissed him. Everyone clapped as John wrapped his arms around her holding her close, they pulled away and Joanne laughed as they ran down the aisle.

Everyone sat at their tables, enjoying the food, John and Joanne stood constantly thanking people for coming. Molly had brought her fiancé, Tom, she also didn't wear her yellow dress. Sherlock came and stood beside me, "nice isn't it" "they look so happy" I commented looking over at the newly weds. "Why don't you like wearing dresses?" "make it difficult to run, difficult to hide weapons, and also draws attention from people I don't even want looking at me" I explained. "What if I was the only one looking at you?" "oh I don't think I'd mind that" I smirked at him before making my way to my seat. It was almost time to give my speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for the best man and the made of honer to give their speeches. As always, ladies first" I took a deep breath and stood. "I remember when I met Joanne Wild, she was my neighbor, and we were only kids. We met in pre-school, and she has been my best friend since. She was my family, when I didn't have one, she thinks that I have done so much for her yet she has done nothing for me, but that's not true. Joanne, you have done more for me than you know, you gave me a reason to fight, you kept me sane, and when I felt darkness pulling away my life, I fought to keep it because of you. We have been through so much my friend, and now you have begun a new chapter in your life, you worry about what the future holds, you worry that things will change between us. But I can assure you, I will stand by you threw all of it, after all what are friends for?" everyone clapped.

Joanne stood with tears in her eyes and hugged me, as we sat back down. Now to see what Sherlock has. He stood up and the first thing he said was "well how do you compete with that" everyone laughed.

"John Watson, a great man, a great a doctor, and a great friend. I, um, we have been through a lot. Between our many cases and takin down some of the worst villains ever known. I'm not the easiest person to live or be around, and I wonder why John chose to put up with me. There is no one else that I believe deserves John, more than Joanne, to the happy couple!" everyone clapped, I was actually impressed. "You did good" I whispered.

The music began to play, as John and Joanne began their dance. They swayed back and forth, and John dipped her as they laughed. I couldn't help but smile, my friend had finally gotten what she deserved. A happy ending, others then began to join them on the dance floor. "May I have this dance?" I turned to see a man, who I assume was a friend of johns because I know all of Joanne's friends. "Sorry sir, but she's with me" I smiled over at Sherlock and took his hand. "You having fun?" I asked as we swayed back and forth to the music, he chuckled "I'm not used I being around so many people" he commented. I looked over at the happy couple once more, this really was going to be a new chapter in life, for all of us.

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