Chapter 19

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I took my seat at the booth in the back corner across from him. Black slacks that matched his shoes, white button down, and his brown hair smoothed back. Sherlock didn't know I was here thinks I'm at the lab doing experiments with Molly. "I'm glad you came" "don't push it , now what do you want?" I spat. I had every right to be mad and he knew it. "Sarah listen to me, I'm sorry okay, I can't even begin to describe how sorry I am. You don't have to forgive me, but you need my help if you want to take down Nicholas" he was serious, but his eyes were sad. I had never seen them happy, just sad or full of hatred and pain. "What could you possibly do for me?" "think about it, you blew your cover, Sherlock's has probably been blown too, you would never send in John and Joanne. So why not me? I can get into his office, find the files you need, and be out before you know it" I didn't want to admit it, but he was right. This was one of our only ways to get the information we need, "alright Lee, but we do this by my rules" he nodded without hesitation. I don't like working with him, but what other choice do I have. "Right, lets get to work"

It had two days and our plan was ready to be put into action. I sat across the street from the casino in a diner, Lee was inside. I had my ear piece and he had his, of course we had a way to communicate with each other. My hair was pulled back into a black beanie and I had sunglasses on trying to hide my identity. "I'm inside the office" Lee said over the ear piece "safe is behind the desk in the right hand corner inside the cabinet" " found it" he said a few minutes later.

Lee's POV

I got the safe open using the key I had picked off Nicholas by bumping into him. Inside was two guns, fake passports, a stack of cash, and a file. I opened it and scanned the papers. Nicholas had recorded all the information about the people he had killed, including how he killed them, where it happened, and when it happened. This was what we needed, he could be sentence to a life time in prison. "I have the file, I'm coming" I said quietly, walked out of the office and made it out of the building without being noticed. Sarah wasn't there, she wasn't on the bench across the street. Did they take? had our cover been blown? did she run off? oh god if anything happens to her "I'm right behind you" I gasped and turned around to see her standing there. "Don't scare me like that!" she laughed "come on let's go" she hauled a cab and we got in. "Why am I going with you to baker street?" "cause Sherlock doesn't know anything about today, therefor your gonna help me explain" "and be your human shield" "that too" we laughed. It felt good to be able to have a conversation that didn't involve shouting at each other. We arrived at Baker Street, and of course I had to pay the cab. We entered sarah's apartment to find Sherlock pacing in her living room. "Where were you? and why weren't you answering your phone? and why is he here?" he asked the last one pointing at me, didn't his mother ever teach him that it's rude to point at people? "we were getting this" Sarah handed him the file, his eyes winded as he scanned the information. "How did you get this?" "broke into Nichola's office and safe" I replied, Sherlock glared in reply. "You could have gotten caught!" "Sherlock calm down, we're both fine, and we got the file. We can now win this"

Consider it done (Sequel to Mystery on Baker Street)Where stories live. Discover now