Chapter 16

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I continued to look threw old files and cases, trying to find something we could use against Nicholas. Yes, I could charge him with kidnapping, but I wanted him to go down and stay there with no chance of coming back. Joanne and John had gotten back a few days ago, moved into their house, and of course Sherlock and I had an argument about how he thought it was unsafe for me to be living alone. There was a knock at the door, I set down the file I was reading and opened it. "Miley, what can I do for you?" I asked heading over to another box "we really need to talk" "about?" "he didn't want you to know yet, but I don't believe it is right keeping this from you" she looked serious. "If this is some joke to make me feel worse about myself, please just leave, I have no time for your shenanigans" I stated sternly crossing my arms in front of my chest, I was serious. " No Sarah, This isn't a joke, this is serious" "who is the guy who doesn't want me to know this?" she sighed, she was obviously nervous "it's Lee" I froze. I hadn't heard that name in almost three years, I never spoke of him, everyone knew not to. "Lee is dead Miley, I-" "didn't see the body, and didn't go to the funeral" I thought back to that day. The phone call, the honking of the bus, the screams, I tried to run to him, but I was stopped, Sherlock stopped me. I felt my body beginning to shake, this is why I don't think about it, about him. "Sarah, he faked his death, like you did" I slammed my fist onto the counter "then why wasn't I told, he is my brother, our brother, why didn't you tell me!" I yelled. My front door bursts open, he wore a long brown coat, dark brown slacks, and a white button down. His hair a dark brown, his green eyes sad. That's the only thing the three of us had in common, our eyes. "Lee" I whispered, he was here, in front of me, breathing. "Sarah I-" "Shut up! just shut the hell up!" I was shaking out of control. "You kept this from me, yet you tell her!" I point at Miley, who was not helping this situation with her look of pity. I will not be felt sorry for, I will not be thought of as weak. "Sarah how could I tell you? you disappeared" "there was plenty of time before that!" I yelled. " Why now? and why the hell didn't you want to tell me? don't I have a right to know my brother is alive!" Lee sighed and shook his head, with a disjointed expression. Of course, to make matters worse, Sherlock decided to now come over. He looked over at Lee and Miley before looking at me with a worried expression. "Well maybe it was hard to get you alone, when you spent all your time with your boyfriend!" "don't you dare! don't you dare try and put this on me!" I screamed. Sherlock tried to pull me close but I pushed him away. "Get the hell out" "Sarah I want us to be a family, can we please try and talk this out" he pleaded. "Get out" "Sarah please-" "no! get out! you said in your letter that you hoped one day I could forgive you, well all hope of that happening is now dead! what family? this is no family! families trust each other and have your back, when have you done either for me! you are not my brother, and you are not my sister, this family died the same day mom did" Miley had let some tears fall and Lee looked like he was about to, Sherlock just looked at me as if he didn't know me. Miley grabbed Lee by the hand and dragged him out, slamming the door behind them.

I paced back and forth, trying to control myself. I was still shaking, and I felt like crying. Sherlock sat on the couch watching me, "why did you come over?" "heard shouting" "your across the street on the second floor, and we weren't shouting that loud until after you came" that's when I noticed something. On the top shelf of my book shelf, sitting between two books. I reached up taking it down, a camera, a dam camera. I looked at Sherlock, who had a look of sorrow in his eyes. "You've been spying on me, you've been spying on me!" I yelled "Sarah I just wanted to keep an eye on you, to make sure you were safe" "you had no right! no right to invade my privacy!" I screamed. "You get out, get out now!" Sherlock sighed and stood, he stopped in the doorway and looked away. "You can't push everyone away, cause someday you might be alone and you just might not like it" "your one to talk, Mr. I have no friends i don't need friends" I spat. I'm not sure if I hurt him, at the moment I didn't care. He left the room, and then I lost it. I knocked books off shelves, I threw papers aside, screaming in agony as if I were dying. That's what it felt like, like every part of me had been broken. Sherlock said I won't like being alone, problem is I already am. I have been, for a very long time.

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