Chapter 11

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Sarah's POV

I sat at Zach'd bead side, where I had been for days. Joanne and Luke would bring me and Jack changes of cloths, the hospital had a place where we could shower, and we would sit in Zach's room and wait. Jack was currently sleeping on the couch, I still sat at Zach's bed side. I knew Sherlock would be here soon, he always arrived at 10am and left at 10pm. It was currently 9:30am. I stood up and began to pace, why hasn't he woken up? the doctors say he is simply taking his time healing, Zach never takes his time on anything. Once he got into a car accident and the doctors said he would be in a coma for months, which was good cause he would be able to take his time healing. Five minutes later he was awake and asking for a Twinkie. He loves a good Twinkie, with a cup of coffee. I chuckle at the memories of us grocery shopping


"Zach! we are not buying six boxes of twinkies" I exclaimed "but Lizzy! you get to buy your stuff!" Zach complained. "Because we need it" "but I need a Twinkie!" I laughed, he sounded like a six year old who wasn't getting their way. "If I beat you at a game of call of duty will you buy them for me?" "deal"

~flashback over~

"Sarah Harvey?" I turned to see a young girl, with short brown hair, and familiar blue eyes, she couldn't be any more than twelve. "Lexie?" I whispered, the memories of our first meeting came rushing back, she had only 5 months left, that was two years ago. "How are you-" "my tumor is gone, like it just disappeared, my wish came true" she smiled at me. She then ran over to me and hugged me, she was small for her age, her arms wrapped around my waist. I got down on my knees so I was level with her, "I'm glad you remember me" "how could I not? your my little dreamer" she smiled. "Your what? 12 now" she nodded her head, "where is your mother?" she frowned. "She died in a car accident" I frowned, "I'm sorry, and your father?" "He left when I was a baby" I sighed sadly and brought her over to a chair, she curled up on my lap. Like I said, she was small for a twelve-year old. "Why are you here?" "my foster dad got sick" she explained. "Lexie?" a middle aged woman entered the room, "Anne this is Sarah" Lexie said standing up. "Hello, did you know holly?" I smiled sadly and nodded squeezing Lexie's shoulder. "Lexie Ron wants to see you" that must be her foster dad, the young girl hugged me once more before running out. "I don't know what to do with her, she should t be kept in a house with old folks, she needs a real family" Anne looked as if she was going to cry. "You can't give her back to the agency" "what else can I do? I can't take care of her" "you don't want me?" we turned in surprise to see Lexie. "No sweetheart it's just-" "you don't want me, I'm to much of a burden!" Lexie had tears streaming down her face as she ran out. Anne was about to go after her but I stopped her, "I'll get her".

I found Lexie sitting in the cafeteria, I say down beside her. "Why doesn't anybody like me?" "I like you" I said. She looked up at me with red puffy eyes, "I don't have anybody anymore! my mom died and my own dad didn't even want me" she began to cry again and I just pulled her into my lap. "Everyone wants happiness not pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little pain" I whispered, she looked up at me. "Your gonna be a great mom" I smiled sadly, only if I could be. "Come on, Anne must be worried" "why would she? she doesn't want me around" Lexie mumbled. "Hey now, Anne cares about you, she wants what's best for you, and she knows she can't give you the life you deserve" "can't I come live with you?" I starred at her in shock. I wanted to say yes but my common sense got the best of me, "someday" was all I could say. We walked to Ron's room and Anne sat beside his bed, when I was going to leave Lexie began to cry again. "Please don't leave me" she begged hugging me, I knelt down beside her "shh it's ok" she began to slept fall asleep in my arms. I laid her down on the small couch "go to sleep, and dream of a better place, and pray that we meet again".

Sherlocks POV

I watched Sarah sit beside the small girl, I remember the first time they met. Once again I couldn't help but think what a wonderful mother she was going to be. She left the room and saw me, said nothing and hit walked over to me and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her holding her close, in silence we pulled away and began walking in the direction of Zach's hospital room. "Your going to be a great mother" I whispered, tears began to fill her eyes. We stopped walking and I stood infringing of her. "Sarah what's wrong?" but she just began to cry, we sat down on a bench and I pulled her close. "I can't" she whispered "you can't what?" I a sled worriedly. "I had a miscarriage after I faked my death, and now I can't" she began to cry again. "But we never-" that's when realization hit me, Jim Moriarty, that monster was the father of that kid. Sarah can't have kids. I just held her close, and for one second I wished Moriarty was still alive so I could kill him myself. Even in the grave he finds a way to torture Sarah.

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