Chapter 10

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Sarah's POV

I woke up to my phone vibrating on my night stand. I reached over and answered it before it could wake Sherlock.
"Sarah, it's Zach"
"What happened?" I asked, my voice low, I managed to remove sherlock's arms from my waist and get out of bed without waking him.
"There was a bomb in his apartment and it, oh god Sarah" I could here jack's voice crack
"Jack listen to me, where are you? I need you to tell me what you need"
"Just come to the hospital, please, the others are on their way"
"I'm coming jack, I promise, I'll be write there" I hung up and quickly grabbed some cloths. I slipped on jeans and a T-shirt along with my grey sweat jacket. I looked over at Sherlock, who still laid fast asleep on my bed. I brushed his black curls out of his, leaning down and kissed him before walking out.

I walked into the hospital and walked over to the front desk "I'm here to see Zach rider" "are you family?" "Sarah!" I turned to see Jack, "she's our sister" he quickly said. It wasn't difficult to get away with that, all three of us had blond hair and green eyes. The lady nodded and we walked away. "Update me Jack" "he got out of surgery twenty minutes ago, body is pretty beat up, as the bomb went off Zach turned his back to it trying to shield his face" "so most of the damage was done to the spinal cord" I finished. Jack nodded, tears beginning to fill his eyes, "hey" I said softly pulling him into a hug. "He's gonna pull through, he's gonna be fine" I whispered. "Sarah, they almost lost him in the surgery, he lost so much blood" Jack's voice quivered as his boy shook. Zach was the only family Jack had, their parents were dead, all they had was each other for a long time. "Look at me" I a aid pulling away "your not alone in this, I'm here, Luke is here, and so is Leo. We're family remember" Jack nodded and we continued to walk. I slowly entered the hospital room, the smell of disgusting medicine and bleach filled my nose, with a hint of old people smell. The body of a young man laid on the bed, his blond hair a mess, his skin pale as snow, he moved so little I was afraid he wasn't breathing. His faced was bruised, the flesh on his arms torn and burned. I looked away not being able to bare the sight that laird before me. Images of him smiling and making his silly jokes filled my mind, I remember the first time we met. Just a guy working in a coffee shop hoping for a better life. I forced myself to look and walk over to the bed side. I say down in a chair and just looked at him, the once bright and happy boy I knew had turned into what seemed to be his ghost. Luke and Leo walked in, Luke stood next to me squeezing my shoulder as Leo comforted Jack. I could feel my phone vibrating, probably Sherlock wondering where I am, why I wasn't there to go on our date to the carnival. "Happy birthday" I could hear Luke whisper, but it almost was as if he wasn't there, like the world faded away. Just me and Zach, I reached out and held his hand, it felt warm, it felt like his hand. "Do you remember his favorite song?" Jack asked, I smiled at him and nodded knowing what he wanted. I began to sing the lyrics I knew all to well, the ones Zach would sing over and over again
"And they say she's in the class A Team
Stuck in her day dreams, been this way since 18 but lately her face seems slowly sinking, waisting
Crumbling like pastries
And they say the worst things in life come free to us
Cause were just under the upper hand, going mad for a couple grams
And she don't wanna go outside tonight
And in the pipe she flies to the mother land or sells love to another man
It's too cold out side for angels to fly"

Joanne's POV

So after a few hours of unanswered calls and texts to Sarah, she finally called me and told she was at the hospital, gave me the room number and hung up. I could finally get Sherlock to stop pacing and shut up. We left for the hospital, when arriving we ran past the front desk and up the stairs, finally arriving at the room Sarah told us about. I opened the door to see Jack asleep on the couch, Zach laid in the hospital bed while Sarah sat at his side. She looked over at us with a grim expression, as if the weight of the world was upon her shoulders, and most of the time it seemed like it. I sighed walking over to her, resting my hand on her shoulder. I knew how much Zach and Jack meant to her, they treated her like family when her own treated her like nothing. I hate the fact my family moved only a few weeks after her father died, I felt like I was abandoning her. "He liked to play soccer" she whispered "it may be a pointless game, just a bunch of men kicking a ball into a net, but it was important to him" she continued. "He also liked to swim and go for a run when he was angry" "Sarah" I said cautiously. She looked up at me with those sad green eyes, "he can't walk, he can't walk Joanne. The force of the explosion hit his back, he can't walk" she whispered her voice cracking. Tears rolled down her cheek, I looked over to see Jack get up. Sarah stood up hugging him, which surprised me kind of, Sarah wasn't much of a huger. Sherlock and John stood in the doorway, hearing everything that had been said. Jack and Sarah pulled away, I hugged Jack as Sarah went and stood at the other side of the bed. Sherlock stood beside her, not knowing what to do. "I remember he once said he would do a job that paid him we'll and then retire" Sarah laughed. The Four were up for hire, asking as you knew the right people. They did jobs of killing, stealing, and covering your tracks. "Who do you think planted the bomb?" John asked, "Sarah did give Nicholas her real name, maybe he did his research" Sherlock suggested. Sarah's fists tightened her green eyes seemed to glow and her back straightened. I know what's going through her mind, she can't stand the thought that she was the reason Zach was in the condition he was in now. "Sarah this wasn't your fault, it-" "stop it jack!" she said sternly "this is my fault, if I hadn't give that bastard my real name then Zach would be fine, Nicholas would know nothing of the connection between me and the four" she continued. The room was silent until she said "life is like a chess board, and it's our turn to make a move"

Consider it done (Sequel to Mystery on Baker Street)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz