Chapter 5

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Sarah's POV

I can't believe I have to wear this, for a stupid job! and I'm just undercover! I stood there looking at myself in my body length mirror, a short black skirt that came above my knees, a white blouse that was cut WAY to low, and high black heels. I look like a bloody slut! does this dress come down any lower, I tugged at trying to get to reach my knees without exposing my underwear. Of course I failed. "Sarah!" "I'm coming!" I yelled back obviously frustrated.

Sherlock of course was wear a suit and tie, lucky duck, should have taken the security job. "You look, um" "remember Sherlock, I'm one of the few people in this world who can kill you without leaving any forensic evidence" I smirked at his expression and walked out.

"Hello Mr.Krustov?" "ah yes and you are?" "I'm scarlet and this is Ben. I'm your new bartender and Ben here is the new security guard" Mr.Krustov smirked obviously looking giver my body, he disgusts me. "Yes! of course, well Ben Dimitri is my head of security and will show you around while I tend to Mrs. Scarlet" "it's Miss." I corrected with a fake smile. Sherlock' body tensed as we intersected with each bother what's his problem? we walked away heading to the bar, Nicholas, which is what he requested I call him, showed me around assuming I did not know much about a bar. The day continued with me pouring margaritas, and passing beers to men who were obviously to dunk for their own good.

Sherlock's POV

I stood next to Dimitri, surveying the room, Sarah stood at the bar while a drunk attempted to flirt with her. I watched Nicholas walk over to flirt some more, she of course flirted back, I don't know why I mean she could do so much better. I tried telling myself that she was just trying to save her cover, but that little voice in the back of my head said other wise. "You like her" I turned I Dimitri "that obvious?" he smiled "the way you loom at her gives it away, plus your reaction to Nicholas's flirting" I nodded. "You got anyone special in your life" "used to, she was one of the victims found with an ace card pinned I her head" so he was the security guard with the cheating girlfriend. "She missed a day a work, and the next she was found dead by the garbage man" "sorry" he shook his head "don't be, don't know why anyone would want to kill her though. Jane was as nice as they got" i nodded. Obviously he didn't know about the cheating. The day went by slowly, finally we were able to clock out and leave. Christmas was coming soon, the snow had already begun to fall, people had started putting up their decorations and buying a tree. I looked down at Sarah who walked beside me, her arms wrapped around her small frame slightly shivering, she was stuck out in the cold barely clothed. I slipped off my coat wrapping it around her shoulders, she slipped her arms in mumbling a thanks. "Did you find anything out?" "Dimitri was the boyfriend of our third victim, he didn't know anything about her sleeping with Nicholas" she nodded. "Do you enjoy Christmas?" she sighed "it's never been a happy time for me so no, not really" "why?" "my dad always had to work and my siblings didn't want to be around me so they'd go spend Christmas with their friends" I nodded. She's never had a Christmas with her family, my brother and I never got along but we would do our best for our mother when it came to Christmas, considering it is her favorite time of the year. "My parents invited us to go down to their house for Christmas day" "us as in you and me or as in you, me, Joanne and John" "all four" she nodded. "Well me and Joanne are having a Christmas party on Christmas Eve" "they don't live that far, an hour or two" "I'll talk to Joanne" I nodded. Why is there so much nodding today?

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