Chapter 6

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Sarah's POV

I sighed as I clocked out and walked over to the front to meet Sherlock. It had been a long day of serving dunks and keeping up with Nichola's flirting, which I could tell was becoming more difficult for Sherlock to stand. I don't know why though. "Ok so update" Sherlock said as we walked, we did this everyday. Walk home and give each other updates on what we found out. "Ok so I was able to get I to Nichola's office and read some emails. Apparently he owed his old partner allot of money and he threatened Nicholas, saying he would give the information he knew to the police" Sherlock nodded "he must have known about other murders then" I agreed. Dead bodies showing up with a bloody ace card had been happening for three years. I got into the case in the beginning, but had to push it aside when Moriarty came into the picture. "What did you find out?" "Ok so the victim used to work for him was his old bartender, one of the waitresses was dating him at the time and she said he had a lot of debts. So I'm assuming he owed Nicholas money and wasn't able to pay up" Sherlock explained. "You coming to the Christmas party tonight?" "it's in my apartment, so I sort of have to" I joked as he laughed. "What did Joanne say about going to my parents house?" "said she'd love to" "ok we'll leave at 10 tomorrow morning" I nodded. "See you later!" I called Entering my apartment building just as Mrs.Hudson made her way down the stairs. "Oh hello darling" "hello Mrs.Hudson, how have you been?" she smiled. "Quite well thank you, um, how are things between you and Sherlock?" a small smile spread across my face, she always acted like a mother to me and Joanne. "We are friends for now. I highly doubt anything more will happen" she smiled sadly "oh darling I know he's gonna come around, he truly does love you and I'm sure he's gonna be coming to your door quite soon" I laughed leaning down and kissing the old woman on the cheek. "Goodbye Mrs.Hudson, and I'll see you at the party" I made my way up the stairs opening the door to find Joanne putting the finishing touches on the tree. She smiled "ready to do your job?" I laughed I was always the one to put the star on top cause I was the only one tall enough. I took the

Golden star placing it on the tree. "I'm gonna go change" "I already laid out your dress" "I'm not wearing a dress!" she pouted "please! can it be my 'sorry for faking my death and leaving you for two years' gift?" I sighed in frustration heading to my room.

I stood there in a red dress that came jut above my knees, with my black flats. Yes, I wore the stupid dress for Joanne. Everyone was laughing and drinking, "oh Sarah play something!" Mrs.Hudson begged motioning to our piano. Yes, I also play the piano. I smiled sitting down my the bench and began to hit each key. I had writ ten this, it had lyrics but I didn't feel like singing. Everyone clapped as I finished it, I stood and walked over to Sherlock who stood in the doorway. "I didn't know you played" "there are allot of things you don't know about me" he chuckled. Someone cleared their throat and we looked to see Joanne, who was pointing at what hung above our heads


You can't be serious! "come guys you have to" "this is stupid, I am not-" but I was cut of by the feeling of someone's lips pressing against mine. I couldn't help but kiss back, I missed the feeling I got when ever we kissed. We pulled away both trying to catch our breath, I cleared my throat stepping away. "I need air" I mumbled heading outside.

Sherlock's POV

She kissed back. She really kissed back. Why did she kiss back? I thought she didn't care anymore. I walked out and found her standing on the sidewalk, snowflakes visible in her blond hair, arms wrapped around her small frame. She looked nice in her red dress, she shivered slightly against the cool breeze. I rested my jacket on her shoulders, she looked at me and mumbled a thanks. "You kissed back" she remained silent "I thought you didn't care anymore, that you wanted to move on. If that's true, then why kiss back?" she sighed and turned to face me. "You think your the worlds greatest detective right?" "I don't think, I know I am" she stepped closer "then wouldn't the world's greatest detective know when someone is lying?"

Sarah's POV

I felt his lips once again on mine, his arms move themselves around my waist as mine hung around his neck. We stood there, on the streets of London, just together. We eventually had to pull away because the need for air had become to great. Our foreheads rested against each other as we breathed deeply, neither of us were able to stop smiling. "I never said it did I" he mumbled "said what?" "I love you" my smile widened. He planted a kiss on my forehead "I love you" another on my nose "I love you" and then finally he reached my lips and pulled back whispering "I love you" . I kissed him for a moment before pulling away, he had the cutest smile. "We should go back inside" "there's a party going on in my apartment" "then let's go to mine" I laughed as he grabbed my hand pulling me across the street.

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