Chapter 4- Backstage

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The whole school is talking about our play and they can't wait for it any longer. Because, that's the one day that we have half day off. Nobody cares about the play, but the free half day.

We have many plays on that day but only one wins the prize. Others are doing historical plays, musicals, and others.

Mostly, our play is attracting attention because of our Romeo, Kol. I have been asked about when the show is being held and when they can buy the tickets.

Guess Zoe and Niti were right about Kol being perfect for this play.

"Put everything up, we have a quiz," Mr. Willing says which alerts every single person in this room.

Everyone is shocked and panicking about the quiz. "A quiz? On what?" A girl asks.

"On what we learned during the whole week, of course," Mr. willing answers and I smile as most people pull out the textbook and start last minute cramming.

I have noticed, nobody has written a single word in their notes during the whole week. The pop quiz is a good way to punish them for disrespecting Mr. Willing.

"A quiz? Shit," Cassie mumbles and Niti smiles.

"You haven't paid attention either?" Niti asks and Cassie shakes her head. "Zoe?"

"Well, I tried to keep my eyes open for a day, but it didn't work out quite well," Zoe says and I smile.

"I was hoping to learn from Dovie about this topic tonight, but guess not," Andrew says looking at Mr. willing, who's already passing out the quiz.

Suddenly I feel a tap on my right shoulder and I look at Kol, sitting next to me and tapping on his desk.

"Have you studied, dove?" He asks.

I look at Andrew who is fuming with anger, then back at Kol. "I don't need to study."

He raises his brow. "What do you mean?"

"She has an eidetic memory," Niti says, turning around to face us.

"As in photographic memory?" He asks and Zoe nods in return. "That is so lucky."

I don't respond back for a while remembering all the times when this has bugged me. Ever since a little girl, I could memorize everything by just looking at it once.

"No, it's not," my voice as soft as a whisper.

Zoe and Niti smile at me and I shake my head and wait for Mr. Willing to bring us the quiz. As he comes around, Niti comes back from sharpening her pencil.

Niti trips over her own desk and falls backwards. I quickly get up to help but before I could, Mr. Willing wraps his arms around her waist and catches her.

I sigh in relief as some students start whistling and mumbling. I look at them who are looking at each other, not paying attention to the students.

Mr. Willing pulls her up and she fixes her hair and clothes, embarrassment covering her face. "Are you okay?" Mr. Willing asks and I see Cassie smirk.

"Y-yeah," Niti mutters and sits back down in her seat in front of me.

Mr. Willing sticks around for a moment before going back to his desk. "I need the quiz back in fifteen minutes."


"Hey," A familiar voice calls out from the door and I look up to find Travis. My eyes quickly find Zoe who's shocked to find Travis in front of us.

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