Chapter 17- Couple's Night

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"Everything is perfect, Dove," Kol called putting once again from the living room. "Can we please sit until everyone comes?"

I shuffled around the kitchen, making sure everything was perfect for the last time.

"Dove," Kol shouted out my name at the top of his lungs as if his life depended on it.

"Coming," I shouted back, returning to the living room and taking a seat beside him. "I just wanted to check and make sure everything was perfect."

He gave me a look and I rolled my eyes because I knew what he was about to say. "You said that the first ten times as well. Dove, they're your friends, they don't care if your house is a mess, which it's not. Secondly, no one will know that I live with you. Just chill."

I stared at him in disbelief. "Just chill? How can you be so chill about everything? What if they find out that you live here? What then?"

He simply shrugged as if he didn't care. "So be it. They'll find out eventually."

"So, I'm stressing over it for no reason?"

He nodded. "I'm so thankful to you, Dove, you have no idea. But sometimes you can't control certain things. If they're bound to find out, then they will, no matter what we do."

"I like to be in control—"

He smiled. "—yeah, I know you do. Which is why life will disappoint you in so many ways. Sometimes, you just have to let go and be free, be whatever you want."

That thought terrified me. Letting go and being free. "That's scary."

He chuckled softly. "Not once you apply it to your life. It's one of the best feelings in the world. Like love."

His eyes lingered on me for a brief moment before he focused his attention to the television where we were watching football.

One of the best feelings in the world.

Like love.


I had never felt it so I didn't understand him.

Maybe I should let go and be free.

Suddenly my phone rung, interrupting my train of thoughts. I looked down at my phone to find Andrew calling me. Sighing, I got up to take the phone.

Not a second later, the doorbell rung.

I turned to Kol before walking to the kitchen. "Kol, could you please answer the door? I have to take a call."

He nodded, waking to the door as I waked to the kitchen. I picked up the call and held it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Dovie, how could you do this?" His voice was slurry as if he was drunk and angry with me for something.

Confused, I stared in front of me. "Do what?"

He scoffed. "So, you don't even remember? That's just great."

I started thinking of all the reasons for his discontent with me. The main one was Kol, but I thought we settled that.

"What- what are you talking about, Andrew?" I asked, not wanting to bring up Kol until he did.

"We had a date tonight, Dovie, how could you forget?" He asked through the phone.

I breathed out in relief. "Oh. I'm sorry, Andrew, I spend most of the week planning tonight's party."

"You're throwing a party tonight?" His voice screeched. "And I'm not even invited?"


Why did I have to tell him the truth?

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