chapter 1 it begins

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Befor you start reading i would like say some serious editing to my book

So i might not have a new chapter until i finish editing thx. The chapters will say edited when its been fixed.




   I looked up at the night sky, the stars we're sparkling and the moon looked close enuff to almost touch. The only thing lighting up the cold stone road was the moon light and a few lanterns in the windows of houses i walked by. I saw minzu my younger brother he was runing towards me waveing his hand in the air to cetch my attention , “Dad said to see what was taking you so long”. He yelled with a embarrassed grin on his face. I smiled back “I think you we're the one worried about me minzu”. Minzu looked at the ground and kicked a rock. I rolled my eyes typical my brother seems to think i need to be babied sins our mother died. She was an amazing person her smile could warm your heart in a instant and take all your worries away. She had pale white skin and blond hair with beautiful curls and blue eyes, my brother and father had the same look. Accept me i was the black sheep of the family i had the pale skin but thats all that resembled a likenesd between me and my family my hair was midnight black which could of been passed down from my family skipping my parents and brother but getting me, the one thing i couldn't explain or seem to make sense of was my eyes a dark but vibrant violet. “let's get home dad need’s these apples if we are going to have pie tonight”. I shaked my head to erase these questions that stir in my head and I replyed to my brother as he took my hand. We have always been close like twins were but we arnt twins in fact im the oldest my brother was ruffle 10 almost 11 years old. i on the other hand was almost 17. an owl hooted and made minzu jump and cling to my arm. “It’s alright we are almost home” i patted his arm to reassure him we were safe. we walked down the dark stone road minzu was squeezing my arm so tight i swear the blood flow would stop any second then id have to get it amputated. When i looked up ahead i got a sick twisted feeling deep in my chest it told me to stop to turn around and walk a different path then the one we were walking. I stopped pondering the idea, minzu looked up at me "Rapture are you ok" he spoke. I could tell that me stopping scared him. "no nothing its alright" i spoke back and returned a comforting smile to him. We continued walking i could see our house come into view. My heart suddenly skipped a beat. when I saw the door hanging off of one hing. the door knob was ripped right off and the door frame was slightly smashed at the top corner. Our windows were smashed and i could see our curtains were ripped. I grabbed minzu’s hand and ran to the side of the house leaning on it. “stay here I said” my voice sounded dry and a little to frighten , I walked along the house to the door frame and slowly looked into the door where two men were talking with my father. one forcefully holding his arm. The man holding my father looked like he had been living on the streets, torn clothing, greasey hair, pale and skinny. The other man stood well over 6 feet tall with a evil look in his eye dark brown stright hair that was neat but somehow looked messy. I pulled my head back and my plastic bag ripped making a apple fall out of my bag, it rolled past tge door frame into the house hitting the brown haired mans feet. He picked it up and a sick grin slid across his clammy looking face. “Who's here old man”? Said the man. “No one I live alone” replied my father avoiding eye contact with the man. I could hear his footsteps coming towards where I and minzu were, what do I do i grabbed minzu's hand tight and gave him a look that said stay close. He nodded in response, I tossed the bag of apples in the doorway hoping they would hit the man in the face long enuff to distract him so my father could get away, but no such luck The man knocked it away like nothing. He looked at me and minzu now in the doorway. The one on standing there looking angry percing red blood thirsty eyes the other holding my father, “Well what do we have here a little snack” said the man  holding my father, his eyes instantly went red. “W-what are you” I said pushing minzu behind me.  The man holding my dad spoke “get her eli we don’t have time for this we can sell them at the auction to make a quick buck”. The other man walked towards me I grabbed the lamp near the door and smashed it so the light bulb was broken it sparked i swung it and pointed it at the man “don’t you dare” I said trying to hide the fear in my voice. The man laughed “you’re kidding me right” his eyes glowed red as he jumped at us, I pushed minzu out of the way he fell back landing on his but, "Rapture" yelled my brother. I ended up stabbing the man with the lamp in his eye. He screamed and held his face as bkood dripped from his cut up face. my father stood up suddenly and punched the man holding him in the gut. he then turned and grabbed both me and minzu's hands and we ran out of the house into the forest that was behind our small little home, "maybe we can lose them in here" said my father speaking to himself. rain started to crash down hard but we didn't stop running as fast as we could, until we could’t breath anymore that is,


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