Chapter 12 the ball

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I walked out of my room to see Annabelle again a smirk on her face told me she was nothing but trouble. "so you’re the human that James has so kindly toke under his wing I heard you were a slave I wonder what mind bottling thing he has planned for his new Favorite", smirked the women as she turned and walked away. I walked down the hall and stared at my mother’s picture wish I could have met her, her eyes looked so lost I turned and bumped into Eric who looked pissed he turned to walk away but I grabbed his arm "I'm sorry" spat out of my mouth, he forcefully pulled his arm away and started walking to the training grounds. I guess he is still mad for forcing him to drink my blood but he would of died if he didn't....I just...I just didn't want to see Eric in pain. I walked to my room and sat at the vanity brushing my hair. James walked into the room and he grabs the brush from my hands I sat there as he brushed my hair. "j-James" I stutter "hmm" he replied still brushing my hair, "why did you say Annabelle is dangers?" James sighed "she is one of the oldest and purest of our kind she stays young by bathing in a tub filled with beautiful maiden's blood she was always jealous of our mother's looks and swore she would one day get the chance to get a human of our family's blood and bath in it she wants your eyes Rapture", I stood up and turned around "that's why she came here inset it because she wants to bath in my blood", I said starring at James. James nodded "yes" but stared at a strand of my hair in his hand "she only comes around anyone when she needs to gain something from them. I simple can’t kick her out because she is off more royal blood then I or my foster parents are she's been around sins the beginning of vampires she knows every trick in the book and even trick's that she has gained", James sat me down and brushed my hair more he stared at my eyes in the mirror of the vanity, "you see Rapture if you were a vampire she would kill you and drink your blood she would absorb your youth your power everything that's how pure bloods become more powerful and Annabelle has drank from the first vampire himself they are currently married he is a wicked man but don't worry" James smiled "she won’t be here long we have a ball tonight so I suggest a blue dress it looks good with your black hair". I looked at James "what do you mean a ball". "every few mouths my family hosts balls millions of pure bloods come into town for it usually there for business talking, for the first half of the ball I want you to stay in our room". I nodded my head "alright". James set my brush down "I’ll send someone to bring you a few dresses so you may have a choice on the type of dress and stay in the room until I come get you some of these other vampires are not so nice to humans" smiled James he then left the room. I laid on my bed will Eric ever stop hating me I wondered I stared at the rose thorn necklace James gave me that was my mother's. I'd do anything to have met you just once, I woke up to a knock a new slave came into the room with 3 dresses one dress was slim and black it would look nice on a tall person but I’m  short. I looked at the blue one it was slim at the top but then it spread out like an old time dress then there was a short purple frilly one I picked up the purple one and changed I did my hair as how James likes it and open the door. I saw Eric across the room leaning on a post maybe I could sneak out and try to get him to forgive me. James was shaking hands of parents well they introduced their daughters and said you should marry my daughter no my daughter, "strictly business huh" I whispered to myself., I walked out of the room and down the stairs James looked at me with an angry face as I walked up towards Eric. "Can we talk" I said he nodded his head and we went off to the side of the ball I looked out people stop dancing everyone gave me dirty looks. James walked over and grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the room closes to us, "I told you to stay in our room until I come get you" he said closing the doors behind us, "I'm sorry I wanted to apologies to Eric". he sighed "nobody knows your human yet that's what I was waiting to explain to them all first before you came out", he rubbed the bridge of his nose, "as your punishment I get to have a dance with you later on this evening" he smiled. "Alright I’ll go back to my room then" I said in a sad voice. I left but I heard Eric speaking when I went up the stairs I walked into the long hall way where a door was open a little I listened, "I know your only here for Rapture Annabelle you’re not getting her". "Why not" giggled Annabelle, "if you lay a hand on her I’ll kill you myself" Eric stormed out but I hid behind the door when it swung open. Annabelle waited until Eric was out of sight "come in Rapture" she said I walked into the room, "let’s get to business I'm going to turn you" she smiled. "And why would I let you do that" I crossed my arms. "Because I’ll kill Eric you and me both know he doesn't have a chance ageist me I'm the second oldest on the whole earth". She led me to the couch and I sat down, "what if I make a deal with you" she smirked. “I’m listening" I replied, "I promise to keep my hands of Eric and James if I can have one sip" she smiled. "Just one" I said holding up one finger up, she smiled "just one" she repeated, "alright I said if it’s to keep Eric safe I’ll do it". The women smelled my wrist then twirled me around tell my neck was near her face. The door slammed open it was Eric. "Get away from her" he held a gun pointed at Annabelle with silver bullets a vampires weakness but I don't know if it can harm Annabelle. "Eric stop it’s to keep you safe she just wants one sip then she will leave forever". "Stay out of this Rapture" said Erik.              

A Vampire's Slave (watty awards 2014)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora