chapter 3 SOLD!

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The man with the clipboard walked back into the room. All of the vampires started leaving, including the ones who captured Minzu and i, the man spoke. “Please leave to our waiting rooms, but before you do that make sure all your forms about your slave's profile are filled out and handed to me, After the auction come back here for your money from the bidder of your slave or slaves, Thank you.” Everyone but the people chained up left the room. The pole above us moved a short step or two then stopped. People where clapping and saying prices. I heard a few screams from other slaves when there new owners dragged them off, i even heard a few fighting back but it was no use everyone chained up here was doomed includeing me and my brother. The only thing i could do was reassure him we would see each other agein. I looked at Minzu, “Don't be scared, ok? Do as your owner says until I'm able to escape and find you, if we get different owners.”  I said in a panicked voice as he was up next. What were we going to do i had to think of something quick. Minzu nodded his head with a scared look on his face. The pole moved again slowly and our chains pulled up. I saw a vampire standing at the podium. As Minzu got dragged out onto the stage by the chains, i could see the panic in his eyes all to well, I shoke my arms The chains rattled. I heard someone yell 500, my heart started to race and i started to panic. I grabbed onto the chains for a better grip pulling my body up and trying to yank them down. "damit" spat out of my mouth in a heavy breath it was no use this was hopless. I stopped and looked at Minzu, he was looking at me with tears in his eyes. I pulled my arms away from where they were chained so hard my wrists started to bleed, the blood dripped down my arms. I could clearly hear smacking lips and sounds people saying "yum" and "oh my" or "delicious". Sick creatures vampires. “SOLD!!” i heard someone yell, I looked at Minzu his head dropped, his eyes looking at the floor, i could see tears falling hitting the floor. "NO NO NO PLZ NO" i yelled crying. Next up we have a young lady she is 17. 5 foot 2, and is white. My chains moved dragging me onto the stage i tryed useing my feet to get grip but they just slipped along the polished hard wood floor. When the chains stopped i saw minzu's tears infront of me on the floor. A vampire woman put her hand up, she looked like a rich snob, her hair was red and flawless also incredibly long. “If she is white, wouldn't her hair be blond? She is obviously not pure blood white, Some Indian must be mixed into her.” The red head stated. I looked at my dark black hair. I’ve always wonder why my hair was a different color then mother, father, and Minzu. But it never occurred to me that it would be diffrent blood, if my blood lines different from my familys how am i related to them. Did my mother cheat on my father?. “Well she came from a pure blooded white family and she is a virgin.” said the vampire behind the podium. All the vampires looked at each other and they raised their numbers. “Now shall we start the bid at 1,000?”. A man with blond hair raised his number it said 22, another beside him, a man with black hair, gave him a dirty look then raised his number, it said 29. “Alright do I hear 2,000?” said the vampire behind the podium. My head was pounding as I looked at my brother being unlatched from his chains and a vampire carrying him away. I pulled my arms attempting to break free, but gave up shortly after. I looked up after hearing someone shout 9,000. It was the blond man, him and the dark haired man bid higher and higher until it hit 100,000. “Sold to number 29.” i looked at number 29 his hair was raven like he looked handsome but his eyes said it all, all i could see in his eyes was pure evil. The pole moved and dragged me along. A man walked near me. Number 29 I thought to myself. When he walked closer I snarled and yanked on my chains. “She is feisty.” said the man. the auctioneer asked if that would be a problem MR 29 replied no. They got my chains unlocked and he grabbed me by the hair. I saw my brother as we left the building. His owner open the passenger door, it was a women. I lunged at Minzu and yelled his name. “Sister!” he yelled back as his owner grabbed his arm. My owner grabbed my hair and slammed me onto the hood of his car. “DON'T TOUCH HER!” yelled Minzu. I looked up to see Minzu’s owner talking to him, calming him down. “Remember what I said Minzu! Ill find you i promise ” I yelled. I looked at his new owner she gave me a apologetic look. She seemed kind i felt a little relieved he didn't get a owner like mine. Then my owner tossed me into the car. I sat in the back seat as MR 29 walked to the driver's seat. Someone open the passenger door it was that blond dude, MR 22. I didn't look at either of them. The blond looked back at me and passed me a bottle of water Not saying a word. Was it to drink or was it some kind of joke? I stared at the bottled water, the blond continued to look at me. “It’s for drinking.” he chuckled, and then faced the road. Did he just read my he couldn't of... could he? I toke a gulp of the bottled water and stared out the window. Minzu....I hope you’re safe, I thought. 

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