chapter 10 First BS vampire

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I walked as the night sky shined with stars. My feet hurt, so I carried my shoes. The stone road was cold on my feet, then a noise came from the distance I stopped to listen. I heard it again, it sounded like crying? I started walking towards the crying, I then turn the corner and walked past a house till I was in the middle of the town near the fountain. A little boy stood there, one hand rubbing his eye. I walked up to the child and asked what’s wrong. As the child kept on crying, I put out my hand and the boy grabbed it, “I-I can’t find my papa.” said the boy on the verge of tears. “I’ll help you look.” I said smiling to the boy. He grabbed my hand and we walked off. “Where did you last see him”, I asked in a friendly voice, the boy pointed to an ally that looked dark and damp. “Papa was last near the broken light house.’ the boy said sniffling. I looked at it no, light bulb, no nothing, just a building. I bet it was used for storage, as we walked into the ally the little boy held tighter onto my arm. We stopped to look then around, when I heard footsteps echo through the ally. I walked up to the door of the abandon light house and looked at the paths one went left one went right. “Which way do you think your father went…” I fell to the ground. I saw my blood flying through the air. I looked at the little boy his nails long, fangs showing, eyes red as my spilled blood. I stared in utter shock and slowly whispered ‘blood sane’; the boy just laughed and licked the blood from his nails. I looked down to see three slashes on my stomach. I kicked the boy and ran into the abandon light house. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could. Images of the kind hearted vampires from the mansion went through my head, they were all so nice and this one is so...... I finally understood that not all vampires are kind as Eric or James. I crashed through the door at the top of the stairs and saw the boy in the empty window; there was no glass just a hole. I turn towards the stairs, but a man was there. His hair long and brown almost to his feet, a hood covering his face, my hands where both covering my mouth as I trembled. “C-can you help me sir?” I reached out to the man then two red eyes looked up at me, “Thank you for finding my son.” smiled the older vampire. I ran to the wall behind me and fell to the floor. I cried and covered my head, waiting for more pain to be inflicted. I then grabbed my stomach and remembered the words James said, “It’s natural for siblings to mate in royal blood of vampire families.”, I looked up at the older vampire. I can’t always be so afraid, I can’t always cower, if I do how will I ever have a child? How would I protect it? How will I protect myself in the future? As I stood up the vampire swung at my face. I wiped the blood from my lip after my back smashed hard on the wall. Tears fell from my eyes, but I was not afraid “HOW DARE YOU! I AM JAMIE RAPTURE HEAD OF THE RAPTURE FAMILY. ONCE MY HUSBAND HEARS ABOUT THIS YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE NIGHT SKY, YOU BLOOD SANE BASTARD!” I yelled. Both vampires stopped in their tracks, as I smiled knowing I frighten them with my family title. The vampire smirked, “Even better.” he raised his hand ready to strike me. I screamed and covered my eyes; the wind blew my hair along my tear soaked face as someone with lightning speed ran behind me. I tried to look, but the person covered my eyes. The wind blew faster and faster, “My princess should not see such a sight.” said a familiar voice. “I'm glad you thought of me Jamie.” said the voice. Finally the wind stopped, I heard both vampires cry out in pain and something wet splattered on my clothes. My eyes were slowly uncovered; I covered my mouth and wined from the sight. I saw both vampires’ dead, their blood spattered like rain across the room. I looked down at my clothes painted red with their blood. Arms wrapped around me from behind, James’ hair fell in-front of my face. James made me face him “I'm sorry you had to witness a sight like that. Let me heal your memories.” said James as he looked into my eyes, he waved his hand over my face and everything went black.

The sun rose and blinded my sight for a second or two, but then I could see my tutor closing the blinds. “It’s time for your lesson my lady.” I changed from the night gown I was wearing, into my every day wear, which now is a fancy royal dress. Alex my tutor brushed my hair straight, “So where did you slip off to last night? When master came home with you, you looked like a total wreck.” Alex asked. I thought about it and my head started to hurt, “I really don't know. Alex I can’t remember anything from yesterday after the talk with Eric?” “My lady, excuse me if I'm out of line, but it isn’t wise to talk to master Eric.” Alex said in a quiet tone. “W-why can’t I talk to Eric?” I questioned, worry in my voice. “My lady, Master James seems to get a temper when you’re near Master Eric.” Alex said and continued to brush my hair. “I don't care.” I stared down at the floor. “He may keep me captive here like a prisoner, Alex, but he can never force me to love him.” I stood up, “Let’s start the class.” we walked to the library together. Other vampires where reading up on literature or history of their family. I sat down on a chair, as Miss. Alex grabbed a white bored. She put up the title of proper manners. For five hours my dry pale lips repeated the words that came from Alex’s mouth. “How do you do” I bowed my head, “It’s a pleasure to meet you sir or madam.’ I bowed again. I looked over across the library there was Eric and his new teacher. Eric was looking in a book as his teacher spoke to him; he got a lot of ugly eyes from all the vampires. I stood up quick once the teacher notice I was staring at him. The table fell over, my hands gracefully lifted to my mouth in shock at the table. “I think that's enough for you today my lady. Why don't you go rest?” I bowed my head, as my hands went over my stomach like an X and walked out of the library. All eyes were on me as I left the room, my long black hair bounce as I left. I walked to the kitchen for something to eat, the slaves stared at me all of them angry at me. I felt the heat waves from them as I walked past them to the garden. I walked over to a small dirt patch off to the side with a sign that said ‘don't touch unless you’re Rapture’. I bent over and dug up a carrot from the tiny garden, just for me. I walked back into the kitchen and washed it off and ate it. As I left the kitchen I heard a moaning noise, I looked around no one was in my site.

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