Chapter 6 the Escape

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When I walked into the party every vampire stared at me. James walked over beside me and linked arms with me. He lead me to a couple drinking near a table with food layed out across, obviously it was for show not one finger sandwich or cracker was taken it just layed there untouched. I would of grabbed some but i had a feeling it was not meant for me. “Father I would like you to meet Miss Rapture, my newest object of purchase from the action” James said. What am I a trophy wife? I thought disgusted “Hello Miss Rapture I'm Nathan, It’s nice to meet you im jamed adoptive father” he put his hand out for me to shake, As I was about to shake it a women slapped my hand down. “Darling, don't touch the help They are filthy creatures” the women said in a snotty tone. “Mother this is not the help She is the women I talked to you about over the phone.” replied James. Im not the help? Wait a minute didn't he buy me for the sole purpose of being a slave? “This one really She does not look all that rare and james shes. Human the offspring would be inpure” mocked his mother. “Rapture this is my adoptive parents this is my mother Beth.” replied James motioning towards his mother and my father john. I nodded my head in reply not sure what was really going on, but i couldnt help but glance at the food but can you blame me i have not had anything sins before i was kidnapped. James looked over and saw me gawking at the food i turned away feeling embarrassed, my cheeks felt hot i hope i was not blushing. James waved over Eric “Get her something to eat while father and I discuss the arrangements” James ordered as he walked away with his parents. Eric walked with me over to a table. He placed real human food in front of me. I started chewing on a bun as Erikc sat down. “Rapture listen i dont know what my brother is planning but i no it cant be good if you want i can help you escape?” asked Eric in a hushed voice. I nodded my head and leaned in towards him. “Alright tonight around midnight meet me down the block of the mansion” smiled Eric “I’ll make sure the front doors are unlocked he said. I looked at Eric cunfosed “Why are you helping me?” I asked curiously. "My brother’s planning something and when ever he dose its never something good trust me" said Eric. “Thank you” I replied. As Eric left he mouthed ‘you’re welcome’.  I sat and ate buns while the party carried on but Soon it died down and it came to an end. “My room” said James as he undid his bow-tie and walked past me. I dusted off the dress and walked behind him. Sarah saw me entering James room. James shut the door and sat down on his bed, “Have you ever done this before? Your profile did say you were new to the slave life” asked James. “New to what my lord” I asked quietly. “Being fed from” My eyes widen and I took a step back from him, My eyes started to watere. “I’ll take that as a yes, look Rapture I don't like going through the whole scream and force you to so I’m asking you to let me drink from you. I promise not to hurt you. It may sting a little though I just need to taste your blood. To be sure of my decision.” asked James. Was he really asking permission i dont care permission or not theres mo way in hell hes drinking my blood. Both my hands where holding my neck “I don't want to don't make me” I whispered. He stood up and walked closer to me. “Please don't make this harder than it has to be, it’s not that big of a deal.” James begged. Hell no if he wanted my blood i was putting up a fight and what kind of decision required to drink my blood. I turn and open the door, I ran out as fast as I could but was knocked into the wall. James was holding me by my neck. I pushed on his chest crying no. “I'm sorry Rapture” James whispered into my ear. He stared into my tear filled eyes. His eyes glowed purple and I closed my eyes my head felt dizzy like i was going to ass out. He then picked me up and held me like a child. He looked at Sarah standing in the hallway she was staring at him in shock as he carried me into his room. I woke up to a dizzy feeling in my head and I sat up, I saw the moon light shining into James's window. I saw my clothes had been changed into an elegant nighty. He changed me? Oh god thats not violateing me or anything dam pervert. I looked Beside me on the bed was James, He was asleep so I looked around his room. I quietly stood up and walked to James's private bathroom and turned on the light. Two tiny holes where in my neck, then I remembered what happened. My eyes started to get teary What did he do to me? I thought sadly. I jumped as the grandfather clock struck 12. I tippy-toed out of the room and down the stairs, as I open the door a shadow appeared from the basement door. “Rapture where are you going?” Sarah was standing there in the dark half asleep. “I'm sorry Sarah you have been great But I need to save my brother” I closed the door quietly. It was raining out my nighty got soaked as i ran along the stone road. I ran bare foot down the street but saw no sign of Eric, i was hoping sarah wouldn't tattle on me to james id have no chance if he new. I heard a growl behind me, i froze in my steps, what was that? I looked around and saw nothing so I hid behind a lamp post. When I peeked over I saw Eric and James arguing, James was holding Eric by the neck. “Where is she?” growled James. Eric's eyes glowed red “Away from you” he said through gasps of air. “You need to learn to stop meddling in my business brother” growled James. “Why do you even care what happens to her? She is just another slave.” asked James. “Because this one is different she's.... it’s none of your business why, She just is different alright!” Eric snapped. They then slashed their claws at each other and growled fiercely. I ran as the thunder and lightning crashed near them tripping on some wet grass, but quickly rushed to my feet to get away. I need to get away from here, I need to get far away! I thought urgently to myself. rain dripped down on my face as I ran as fast as I could. I saw shadows chasing after me, but they were clashing at each other in the air then trying to grab me. I tripped over a rock and my head smashed into a tree. I tryed to stand but i couldent My vision was blurred. I looked up to someone, reaching their hand out to me. “F-father is that you?  I asked. I then ran into Eric's arms and cried. I cried hard, Eric rubbed my head “You’re safe Rapture” He whispered into my ear. I felt a cold feeling on my lips and opened my eyes. Only to see Eric kissing me, I then wrapped my arms around his neck. His kiss felt warm and welcoming i felt utterly safe until he pulled back and James punched him in the face making him fly away from me. James then grabbed my arm, “If you don't stay away from her I’ll kill you brother!” he yelled. He then dragged me back to the mansion and I fell hard on his bedroom floor, my hair fell infront of my face from the force of him tossing me. My hair dripped onto the floor as I looked up at him, his eyes glowing red in the dark room. James grabbed my hair and pulled me up to his face, “don’t you ever run from me again or it will be the last time you ever see sunlight again got it”. I gulped and nodded my head afraid, he then tossed me onto the bed and he got into the bed. He wrapped his arm around my stomach and pulled me close as I was laying on my side. his touch was cold and I sucked in my stomach to prevent as much contact with him as possible but he just moved closer I shut my eyes tight praying this was all a dream. I didn’t wake up it was real and somehow I’ll have to get away from him or die trying.

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