chapter 11 helpfull Rapture

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I heard a moaning, or more like a groan, when I came out of the kitchen. It sounded painful. I looked around “Hello is anyone there?” I listen and got no reply. I walked near the stairs, it was coming from upstairs. I rushed myself up the stairs “HELLO?”, still nothing.... “IS SOMEONE HURT?” No one replied. I heard it again, and then a bang, like someone had dropped something. It was coming from the far room, Eric's room! I rushed over and looked around to make sure no one saw me going in.  I open the door a crack, but then someone pushed it shut. “I'm busy.” Eric said in a ruffed up voice. ‘Eric it’s me, Rapture. Let me in.” I demanded. I pushed the door open to a crack where I could see his face. His eyes red, blood dripped from his neck, as soon as I saw the sadden look in his eyes I got the strength to push it open. Eric fell down holding his neck. I shut and locked the door then rushed over. I lifted up his hand; slight scratches were on his neck. Thunder echoed through the mansion as the lights went out. I lit a candle and looked at the blood dripping from Eric's neck; he didn't look me in the eyes the whole time. I set the candle on his dresser then sat back on the ground, holding his blood stained hand. “What are you doing?” I said in a voice that gave away that I was about to cry. Eric breathed heavy as a knock appeared on the door “Brother are you in there?” “Eric what happen?” I asked in a frighten voice. He looked in my eyes; his red eyes flickered and glowed brighter. “M-my thirst.” I started unbuttoning my blouse, I rolled up my sleeve to my under shirt and showed him my wrist. He shook his head no; I climbed onto Eric's lap and held my wrist in front of his mouth. “For me please, if you don't I’ll take it as an insult. I knew it sounded harsh, but I also knew it was the only way to help him. His fangs shot out as James knocked on the door again “Brother why is the door locked and do I hear a girl in there?” Eric looked up at the shadow of James underneath the door. I pulled his face so he would look at me “Do it.” The thunder crashed again and before my brain could even process it I was against the wall. The candle on the dresser knocked over and the flame went out. Eric was looking straight into my eyes. While drinking from my wrist the door slammed open, “Brother are you ok?” Eric paid no attention to James staring at us, my blouse on the floor, undershirt practically ripped; showing my stomach and I pinned on the wall while he drank from my wrist. “BROTHER” yelled James as he walked closer. I wrapped my free hand around Eric “Don't touch him James. He needs this, he has been starving himself. He feels bad for drinking human blood against the slave's will. If I'm willing he can because he won’t feel bad. I'm saving him James.” James stopped in his tracks after hearing my plea to leave us alone. Eric finally lifted his fangs out of my wrist and he grabbed his handkerchief from his pocket and wrapped it around the two holes in my wrist. Eric then wiped the blood from his lips and his eyes turned back to normal. I smiled, glad I could help Eric, but James was not. James’ anger rose. He took a step towards Eric, but I stood in front of Eric. “Don't even think about it James, because you know for a fact the only way to keep me doing stuff in your life willingly is to leave Eric alone. I'm allowed to have close friends aren’t I; well this is my closest friend. You can no longer touch him”. James put his hands in his pockets and turned around, “Alright, if that's what you wish.” he walked away calmly, but I knew a storm was brewing in him. I looked back up at Eric; his hand was covering his face. “I'm sorry.” he muttered I slowly reached for his hand, but he smacked it away. I held my hand in shock, Eric's face was angry. “W-what’s wrong?” I asked. “Rapture how could you, I could have killed you.” “I can’t believe you, I help you and you get angry with me.” Erik walked over to the door and opened it. “If it’s because you think I'm afraid Eric, I'm not I’ve never been afraid of anything not the highest heights, or dyeing. Really the only thing that I was afraid of was losing my family, but they’re not even my family. You’re all I have Eric”. Eric looked down at my sad face, my hands held together like I was going to say a prayer, but it was from worry. He starred into her purple big eyes and saw no fear, she meant it she was not afraid, i saw hope and determination. Eric walked up to Rapture then hugged her; a gasp escaped my mouth as Eric hugged me, tight. His head muffled into my neck, I felt wetness fall onto my shoulder. My eyes looked to the side and I saw tears escaping his closed eyes. Was he really that upset I let him feed from me? I looked past Eric and saw a women walk into the mansion. “Annabelle, it’s so nice to see you.” said Beth, Eric’s mother. The women walked in and stared straight at me, smiling. “Well”, shaking Beth's hands, “its’ so nice to see you again Beth.” said Annabelle. “I hear young James has found his sister. Do you think she would remember me” said Annabelle. Eric finally stopped hugging me and looked behind him “Mother why is she here?” “Eric be polite, she is almost like a sister to me.” said Beth. “Who is that Eric?” I asked as I looked at him, but no answer came from his red tinted lips. He just stood there staring at the women angrily like then walked into his room and shut the door. I walked up to the picture of my birth mother, she looked happy holding flowers. Her blond hair curled down near her shoulders and her big purples eyes that are so much like mine. I then walked to my room AKA James’ room. James sat on the bed, but when I walked in he stood up. “While Annabelle is staying with us, I want you to stay clear of her. Stay near me at all times for your own safety.” said James he then started unbuttoning his shirt and closed the door. I got into my nightgown then James and I went to bed for the night.

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