chapter 7 who am i really?

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I woke up in James’ bed alone. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs staring at the end of the bed. Why did I kiss him? Why is all this happening to me? I thought to myself miserably. The door open, it was Sarah.  She was cleaning James’ room up. She did not say one word to me, like I was invisible or something. “H-hello, Sarah.” I said in a weak voice. “Don’t you hello me, slut.” was her quick reply. My mouth dropped at that “What’s your deal?” I asked in disbelief, crossing my arms. “Why is your name off the chore list? Why are you in master’s bed, with a bloody head and healing bite marks? Why does the master even care if you scream and cry when he feeds off you? No, he puts you in a haze so you fall asleep and you don't feel anything! Someone is getting some special treatment around, here even though you are a slave!” Sarah was now breathing heavy from her rant.   I stood up and held my sore head. “You think I want all this? You think I wanted to be tossed around like a rag doll, while James and Eric fought over me last night? You think I like worrying about Eric? He got punched in the face really hard last night, while he was distracted from kissing me. For all I know James could of already killed him! I cried. Sarah’s eyes widen “Well you’re in for a treat, because Master James has tossed away all the numbers to those girls he calls over to sleep with. So I hope you enjoy! Sarah flipped her hair and stomped to the door, but stopped when she saw James standing there. Everything was silent and still for a moment, then I heard the clashing sound of a slap. Sarah's face was turned to the side, a red hand print on her face as tear's stream down from the shock. “You will address her as my lady and you will respect her.” James ordered as he moved so she could leave. Sarah held her face where she was slapped “Yes master.” she said as she walked away, her other hand holding folded sheets under her arm. James walked in and straight into the bathroom. He shut the door, and few minutes later he walked out and sat on the edge of the bed. He looked at my head, “How are you feeling?” he asked in a worried tone. I stayed silent. James stared at the ground, while he sat beside me on the bed. “Look, Rapture I.....I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me for last night and I want you to have this.” he pulled a box from his pocket and set it beside me on the bed. “I hope you'll soon grow feelings for me, as I have for you.” James then stood up after getting no reply from me. “I’ll be in my study, if you need me. I’ll send Alice to bring you breakfast.” he then left the room shutting the door. I stared at the box. Slowly, I pulled the red ribbon off and open the box. It was a necklace, it had a red rose but the steam of the rose was black, so where the thorns and leaves. I closed the box and remembered the picture of his mother, his dead birth mother, not that snotty step mother, Beth. I got up off the bed with the box in my hand and ran to the picture of her at the end of the hall. I open the box and stared at the picture it’s the same one his birth mother was wearing. I turned around after closing the box and saw Eric's bedroom door cracked open. I looked around to make sure James was not around and ran to his room.   I open the door a little more to see Eric kneeling on the floor holding his neck with both hands, as he gasped. Alice was standing in front of him, “Lord Eric please drink. Why are you refusing?”’ she asked exasperated. I busted in “What’s wrong?” I asked as I ran to Eric's side, rubbing his back. “He refuses to drink blood. He’s gone dry.” “Eric, why won’t you drink? I asked worried, “Because I see clearly now I can still see it in your eyes, you regret the first time you were ever fed from. I won’t put anyone else through that pain.” He replied in a hoarse voice. “Alice leave.” He ordered. She nodded her head and closed the door behind her. I tried helping Eric to his feet, but lost balance and we ended up slamming into the wall. I held him up, his breath got heavy and he placed his claws on my shoulder, holding me to the wall. “E-Eric...” I muttered unsure. His eyes glowed red, as he lowered his face to my neck. He rubbed his nose along my collar bone and a few licks here and there. My body went cold. I wanted to help him, but I was afraid. I closed my eyes, preparing for the impact of his fangs, but it never came. When I open my eyes, I saw a sad Eric staring right back at me. His fangs were hidden, claws gone, and his eyes normal. “Are you alright?” I nodded my head as he toke a step back. There was a knock at the door. Alice was opening the door, “Umm, Rapture, I need to bring you breakfast. So will you please come with me?” I nodded my head “will you be ok” I asked Eric, he nodded his head and i followed Alice. We walked down the hall. “Sarah is real upset.” I told Alice. “I have no clue why. I can’t control any of this. I just want to go home with my brother.” I remembered my father's cries as he died. A handsome vampire walked by us, “You” he pointed at me to follow. I was not sure if I was a slave still or not, so I followed him. We walked into a room as the door closed by its self. “So you’re her, huh? Jamie Rapture. I have not seen you since your mother died.” He stated mater-of-fact. “W-wait, what did you just say?” I asked in confusion. “You look just like your mother. She was so beautiful, wasn't she?” said the man, “Who are you?” I demanded to know. “Oh come on! I’m your uncle Alexander. Don't you remember me? Well, I guess you were in a big shock when your mother died. You could have blocked me out I guess.” He said, ignoring my questions. “What did you just say?” My anger grew more and more. “You almost look just like her.” Mocked Alexander, “I wouldn't know. I never knew what my mother looked like.” I grabbed my head as it throbbed in pain. An image appeared in my head, a vampire woman holding a child. Wait James and Eric's mother, but the child is a girl? “ the sister that Eric mention?” I asked “Oh let me guess old memories? Yeah your father was enjoyable to kill.” smiled Alexander. “What? You never killed my father. I remember the vampire that did that!” I gasped. “Right, right that human family that took you in.” he mutters, I cover my ears. “You’re lying, they’re my real family!” I exclaimed. Alexander stood up and grabbed me by the hair, lifting me up. “Right, I guess some things are better left until the end.” I screamed from the pain as he tossed me into the wall, making a dent in the wall. “How does that feel?” he asked as he knelt down. “It doesn’t hurt.” I managed, as I struggled to lift myself up. “oh really” he lifted me up by the neck ageist the wall as I struggled to move his hands his eyes staring right into my soul. Alexander then disappeared into smoke as the door smashed open. James was there, his eyes red. “What happen? Who was here?” he asked as he ran to my side. “My uncle, well he said he was anyway, and....he knew my first name. He also told me that the human family I was living with was not my real family.” I answered James. “Alexander” whispered James. “How do you know his name?” I asked as he picked me up. “Just a guess”, Was his answer. 


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