chapter 15 kidnapped.

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i woke up and a slave was knocking on my door she walked in with food for me then closed the door on her way out i didnt feel like eating. i dumped the food down the toilet then sat at my vanity playing with my brush twirling it with my finger, i heard a gun shot so i rushed to my door and opened it, F.B.I crashed the door down "FIND HER" yelled the man in charge, they shot the slave's. slave's where screaming and crying vampires where being shot to, Eric ran by and grabbed my hand he dragged me to the back of the mansion and we hopped out a window. we where in the garden a sniper shot him in the leg and he fell. "ERIC" i yelled and tried helping him up, F.B.I men ran out side the back doors and saw us in the garden. i held my wrist at Eric's mouth as he drank so he could heal but he only got a gulp or 2 before the F.B.I men put hand cuff's on me as they dragged me away from Eric laying on the ground i cried "STOP IT HE NEEDS MY HELP STOP", they didn't listen i turned around to fight back but all i saw was the end of a gun that hit me in the face the last words i heard where on a radio, "we retrieve the target and are on our way back".

i woke up chained to a wall. a man was standing in front of me holding a blood sack "so your the sister" said the man. "what do you want with me where is Eric" i said in hatred towards the man. "now now young lady we will be asking the questions" said the man, i tried to pull my arms but the chains only hurt my wrists more. "let me go" i demanded but he shaked his head, "hungry" he lifted the blood sack near my face i turned away (dose he not no I'm human?) "oh refusing hmm"... he wrote down on a clip bored, he set the clip bored down and grabbed my face he smudged the bag of blood on my face the blood inch's away the only thing keeping the blood away was the bag it was in. i grabbed it with my teeth and ripped it open well tossing it to the wall. "keep that shit away from me". "hmm" said the man then he wrote down on the clip bored some more. a women came in a lab coat she flicked on the lights i was in a white room with a giant mirror it must be a window to see me i looked at the mirror struggling to break the chains. "WHO EVER YOU ARE FACE ME LIKE A MAN DON'T HIDE BEHIND GLASS YOU COWARD". the women chuckled "feisty one." she handed the man something then left, "alright now sweet heart do me a favor and hold still". i shaked my head "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME ILL RIP YOU APART" i yelled with a angry voice, she walked closer with my necklace that James gave me. "that's my mother's" i pulled the chains trying to get close to it the necklace glowed as it pulled towards me. "you are of vampire blood but yet you are not a vampire interesting" said the women. the women left the room i could hear her talking to someone behind the glass. my necklace i stared at the ground "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH IT", i screamed pulling my arms i ignored the pain and pulled the chains away from the wall until they snapped a red light started to go off and a alarm went off i ran over to the glass and punched it not a dent. "GIVE IT BACK", anger rose in my heart. F.B.I men ran into the room and tackled me the women shot a needle into my arm as everything felt fuzzy i snapped and clocked her in the face with my arm she went flying across the room and then it was lights out for me.

i woke up on a floor in that same room the chains where bigger and stronger i could barely lift them, people where in lab coats i looked to my side and saw a man drawing my blood into a needle he walked over and mixed it with something then looked under a magnified glass, he walked to a speaker on the wall and pressed a button, "it would not work" he said into the speaker, alright try a different one said the other voice. the man walked back over to draw more blood "s-stop this". the man stopped and stared at me then he walked closer to draw the blood, "YOU BASTARDS CANT TREAT ME LIKE THIS", i screamed tears dripped from my eyes "Eric"....., the man kneeled down to draw more blood but i pulled my arms up and wrapped the chains around his neck, "IF YOU DON'T SHOW YOUR SELF THE BRAINS BEHIND THIS ILL KILL HIM", i didn't care if i take another humans life anymore all i wanted was to make sure Eric was OK and to do that i needed to find out who was behind this. "alright" came from the speaker on the wall the door open and a man with long white hair walked in, "who are you". "i am the first vampire" he said. i left the man in my chains go, "what do you want with me where is Eric". the man chuckled "James killing my wife so I'm going to kill what's important to him". everyone left the lights went out and i was once again alone, i need to get out of here but how i saw a needle on the ground close to me i picked it up and used it to get the screws out of the wall that had my chains hooked to the wall i slid out of the chains. i tried to leave the room but the door was locked through that glass part of the room i saw my weapon on the other side i slid my sleeve up and bashed my elbow into the glass it shattered and i unlocked the door, once again the red lights flashed and alarm went off i grabbed my weapon and pressed the button on it so it could extend i ran into the hall way where F.B.I men where there with guns i looked the other way same thing. "we have the target in sight" said one man into his radio i pushed myself off the ground using my rod and jumped over the F.B.I men i ran down the hallway. "ERIC" i yelled looking in doors. i saw an exit sigh and ran towards it, bullets shot near me and i ran out the doors i ran along the grass of an open field but when I got to the end it was a cliff i looked behind me to see that man in the building I turned and jumped off the cliff into water. I'll never forget his eyes as blue and cold as the sea its self.

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