chapter 13 goodbye Annabelle

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James ran into the room and knocked Annabelle down Eric grabbed me and ran dragging me with him, I thought "I warned you Annabelle" said James as he snarled. They clawed at each other. But James used the other hand he didn’t use to claw at her and stabbed it into her stomach he held her up and reached deeper. "you were always a good fighter like your father" said Annabelle James drank from her neck then reached for her heart her eyes widen as he squeezed it and ripped it out James eyes glowed red "who's the strongest now" he muttered tossing her heart onto the floor. "How could you I was saving you god dam it" I snapped at Eric we were in his room door locked. He punched his dresser then tossed a candle stick it stuck into the wall. "All she wanted was one sip not to kill me not to turn me". "you don’t get it do you he yelled once her bloods in you, you will transition you would have to drink her blood or die and memories of when you use to be a vampire would flood back which would probably terrorize you and kill you that’s why when James wanted to turn you he was going to bite you first so your memories of being a vampire would not kill you". “Wait I never drank her blood though” I said confused. Eric leaned in and smelled my lips “yes you did it was mixed with the wine you drank”. I got angry at him for being so smart for thinking I was stupid that I could not handle myself. "I could have handled it you just get in the way you’re always getting in the way Eric why huh why do you get in the way I", my face was now a few inches from his. his face grew with rage both his hands where placed on my shoulder's as he shook me "BECAUSE RAPTURE I LOVE YOU" he removed his hands once he realized what he said my anger sub sided to sadness "oh I said". Eric turned around "I can’t love you your James". "I’m not his property" I yelled. "You are if your family Rapture". "I don’t want him I want you Eric I don’t love him I love you not James not the slaves not anybody else I love YOU Eric". He turned around and hugged me and I hugged back a knock came on the door. “I’ll deal with Annabelle brother put her in my room" James then walked away. Eric toke me to James room and left me there after I kicked my vanity and it fell to the ground I raised my fist to punch the mirror but a hand grabbed it before I hit the mirror, I looked behind me to see James blood dripped from his mouth "who did you feed on" I asked, he wiped his mouth "let’s just say I’ve got a few new tricks thx to Annabelle", "you killed her b-but she was so strong h-how is that possible" I said in shock. "she could never harm me rapture she loved my father and I’m a spit image of him" said James, "I have something for you" said James as he went into the closet and grabbed a box, he placed it on my lap and I opened the top to see a tiny metal pole what is it I asked. "There’s a button here press it" he said. "Why don’t you" I asked. "Because it’s a vampire hunter weapon Rapture it will shock any vampire that comes into contact with it". I press the button and both sides extended it was a rod it was silver. "there’s more" he said I dug more into the box and it had a carrying case I tied it around my stomach and then press the button for the rod to shrink, the lop holes that held it where on my hip I slipped it in then looked at James "why are you giving me this". "Because I may not be there one day and I want you to be able to be safe Rapture". "If you have to even use it on me then so be it all I care about is your safety" said James as he stroked my cheek. I woke up to a cold breeze James was not in the room he had a late meeting I ran to the window and closed it I turned around to see uncle. "What are you doing here" I said leaning back. "The day is coming soon Rapture innocent blood will be spilled and impure blood will be drank I’m warning you get away from these people for your own good". Lightning flashed and then he was gone. I ran to the bed stand and held my rod close to me as I crawled back into bed I tried to sleep but I tossed and turned. I got up with my rod and ran to Eric's room he wasn’t there I walked down the hallway and heard a thud I ran down to the cell's we had in the other basement. I peeked around the corner at the end of the stairs to see flashing lights James and Eric’s teacher was there. "alright let’s try this again" James held out a bag of blood and Eric lunged to it but the chains on him stopped him the vampire hunter teacher placed something on him that shocked him Eric screamed then he stopped when the teacher moved the object away. "Look Eric this is for your own good I can’t go away for a while with the possibility of you attacking someone because of your thirst". Eric nodded his head "I agree I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt Rapture again". "rest for tonight we will start again in the morning" said the teacher him and James walked this way I hid in a cell under the bench that was used for a bed of some sort and they walked upstairs and locked the door I ran over to Eric as he looked up "you shouldn’t be down here". "Why are they doing this to you" I said a frightful look in my eyes. He shook his head refusing to answer. "Is it because I let you drink from me" Eric. He looked away from me in guilt, I dropped my rod on the floor and toke a step towards Eric " I’m not afraid of you I know you won’t hurt me Eric". He jumped at me but the chains stopped him his eyes glowing red. "No matter how many times you need it I’ll give it to you" I smiled and fell to my knees. "Get away" huffed Eric trying to control his breath. I crawled closer and hugged him he stood there huffing and puffing, I pulled his face into my neck "I give you my full permission" I heard his fangs pop out and looked to the side and saw him backing up but then in a flash he dug his fangs into my neck. his arms pulled me closer as he fell back on his but he supported my back using one of his arms and I lifted my arms up to support his back then everything went black after I toke off his chains.

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