chapter 9 The plans

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Rapture slammed on the locked door. She was stuck in James’ bedroom. “No use.” I thought and sat on the bed and pulled my legs to my chest. The knob turned and keys jingled, in the lock. James walked into the room with a woman, behind him. “Rapture, this is your tutor. She will be teaching you knowledge about vampire ways and also proper edict.” James told me. I sat there silent as the women introduced herself. “My lady, my name is Alexis. It’s very nice to meet you.” She said well bowing. I looked away, not replying. “Why don't you give me and my fiancé a few moments, so we can talk some things out?” James asked the lady. I gave James a pissed off look at the word fiancé. James sat down beside me, ignoring my look. “So Beth and Nathan told me you over heard everything.” said James, he placed his hand on my leg. “I'm not doing it.” I said. I stood up and walked away from James and leaned on the window, that was now shut and locked. James stood up “Rapture look, I can’t give you the details of who you are. Too much might break your sanity, but I will tell you one thing. Rapture we are a lot alike and what we are doing is natural and normal in our family.” James walked closer to me and moved my face, so I had to look at him. “Rapture, Rapture, Rapture” he shook his head at me. “I know you where nothing but a slave when I bought you, but I felt something more between us, something special. Yes it is sudden but, I have fallen madly in love with you. Won’t you do me the favor of at least giving us a try first? If you feel it’s not going to work, I will leave you alone.” James whispered to me. I blushed, staring at his dark brown eyes; I nodded my head a little in shock. James smiled,  “eyes like gems, Just like mother’s.” whispered James as he pulled me in for a hug. I gasped from the sudden action. My head now lay on James’ chest, so many feelings and thoughts swam through my head. I did not know what to say. The door swung open, “My lord.” Sarah stood there with the other slaves. Sarah cleared her throat then spoke “My lord, your parents wish to speak with you.” The slaves followed her like lost puppies, but they all hated me.  I stepped out of the room and a little girl grabbed my hand and dragged me to a room. The little girl knocked in a pattern, like a secret code of some sort. The door opened and Eric was standing there. His hair was messy, like he has not slept in days. I walked in as the little girl closed the door behind her, before she left. His eyes looked so alone and reddish, I don't care what James says he will never have a place in my heart. I looked up at Eric, a blank expression on his face. He held his hand out. I slowly reached up for it, but then it fell to my side. I did not want to hold his hand, I wanted more, and I wanted to feel his body holding mine. I wanted his kisses, I wanted Eric, and in a flash I ran into his arms and cried. I felt his arms wrap around my back. “Eric, I'm confused.” I wept. He pushed me away by my shoulders, so he could look at my face. “What do you mean?” He asked me. “James was talking to me and hugged me. I don't know, but I felt something. I think, your parents say he’s going to turn me.” My eyes watered up. “What if I start liking James? What if I want to be a vampire and stay with him? Will I lose you?” I cried. Erik let go of me as he sat down on a chair “Rapture, you don't want to be a vampire. We are monsters and I'm..... I'm going into hunter training.” Eric told me sadly. “W-what’s that? I asked shakily. “It’s a vampire hunter course. I applied a few years ago and they now have agreed to teach me. My new master will be coming by every now and then to train me. After my training I'm leaving. When I become a full vampire hunter, if you let him turn you I’ll have to kill you, Rapture.” Eric said defeated. My eyes widen as I fell to the floor, a hand on my chest for comfort. “It will be my job to kill vampires and if you’re turned I’ll have to kill you. Then I’ll kill myself, because without you in this world I will have nothing to live for. So please, run away with me don't let him turn you. Be happy with me; give me a reason to live my life. I’ll make money by killing the assignments my master will give me. Most of them are requests from humans to kill BS vampires.” Eric pleaded. “BS?” I asked confused? “Blood Sane, they have ignored their thirst for too long and go insane. They go on killing sprees, drinking every human in sight until there last drop... So Rapture will you stay human for me?” He begged me. I looked down ‘I-I- I don't know what to do.” I finally nodded my head, “I will stay human, for you Eric.” I then left the room after that and went to James’ room.   I sat down on the floor and fiddled with my hair. What am I going to do? I'm so confused? I thought, as I looked around the mansion. Everyone was busy, surely no one would notice if I went into town for a few hours. I grabbed my shoes and snuck out.   I walked past the people that where shopping, my own kind. It feels good to be around them. I stopped at a book store and looked for books about vampire facts. “Blah, blah, blah. Wait, what’s this? Vampires thirst can be quenched for long periods of time from the blood of their true love.”  I whispered to myself. “James has not feed from me since that first time. That was a while ago. Maybe he really does have feelings for me?” I thought as I stared to walk home.

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