Chapter 4

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Y/N's POV.
  I was watching videos, but my phone died.... Which isn't good. Now im left with my thoughts. My thoughts have always been dangerous. Especially when I'm alone..... I deal with my depression in different way then most people. I don't cut or anything physical. I just get really sad and dont talk at all. I hope BTS come back here soon or otherwise im going to gwt depressed with my thoughts.. My thoughts tell me how ugly I am and how fat I am. That I'm worthless and nothing I do matter.

"I should just leave they probably will hate the fact that I'm back here waiting for them." I said aloud. As i was starting to stand up BTS came through the door. I was just standing there looking stupid as hell... I hate my life.. Why do i have to be so embarrassing. Yoongi started to walk up to me.... Shit.

Yoongi's POV.
  After she was done talking to me she went to the staff member we are suppose to tell who we chose. She then follows him to the back where the changing rooms are. She is super cute.

Time skip to them going into the room.

I was getting nervous every step we took to the changing room. I hope she is okay with everything. We get to the door and we hear her say "I should just leave they probably will hate the fact that I'm back here waiting for them." "Why are you waiting for us??" I ask as I started to walk to her. I mean i already know, but what does she know... Hahaha

"I brought gift for you guys and forgot to give them to you as i was meeting you guys." She says. I look back at the guys and they all had smikes2 on their faces. I wonder what they are thinking... I look back at her and say "okay, let see what you got us!" Her eyes went wide and she sat down and opened her bag.

We all went and sat close to her so she can give us our stuff. She pulled an apron out of her bag and handed it to Jin. It had cute sheep on it. Thats too cute. She is adorable.

Next, was Namjoon. She got a glasses case out. She got him unbreakable Sun glasses and an extra part, in case he actaully can break them. Haha his face was funny.

Jimin was next and he got two shirt that say one says 'It's normal to be short' and 'being short isn't a bad thing'. He looked so offened. It was funny. He made a joke saying act least he was taller than her.

For J-hope she got him a picture frame that has a spot for each family member. And above each slot says 'eomma', 'appa', and 'noona'. It was super cute!!

She got jungkook a video game... I think it said 'black ops something'. I dont really know haha....

Tae got a hat the says 'The True GUCCI Boi'. He was so happy. She did say that she did make it for him... That's cute. Oh shit.... My turn..... Yay!!$

"Okay for you got something special. I heard you don't eat that much..." Its true I don't the much.... "So, I got you this!" She says.... She holds out a box. I take the box and open it. It has tons of ramen in it... Yummy... It also has a couple of coupons saying a free meal on Y/N.... Who is Y/N... Is that her name...

"Y/N??? Is that you name??" I asked. She said " yes haha it is.." Her name is so cute... "Cute name for a Cute girl" I said.. She starts to blush.. That's cute...

Y/N's POV.
" well, I should be going.. Thank you for letting me give you my gifts" I said and started to get up. Yoongi stopped me... And said "Wait there is something we would like to talk to you about.. Can you stay for a bit anf hear us out?"....... Wait what??? "Of course. Whats up?" I said.....
"Well, maybe we should wait for each the rest of the member girls they chosed to get here, before we start. My girl is here alreay!!" He said.... My girl... Wtf... " your girl?? What are you talking about i chose her?" The rest if BTS said... What is going on....

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