Chapter 13

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   'Did he just ask me if i wanted to stay here or not. Is he insane.....' You thought to yourself.

"So, do you or do you not want to stay here? If you dont then we will understand." Yoongi said with a sad tone. You look up and see tears in his eyes. You quickly get up from your seat and wrap your arms around yoongi.

"I never want to leave. You have helped me with so much. I couldn't leave. You mean to much to me." You say real quick not wanting yoongi to hurt anymore.

"Thank god. I dont want to lose you. You have made a perment spot in my heart. You can never leave now." Yoongi said while laughing. You just stare into his eyes.

"You have really pretty eyes." You said under your breathe. You let go of him and say "Can we go back to your room." You shyly look at your hands. "Of course baby girl...." He started to say. "Just you and me right?" You say shly while looking at your hands.

You hear him chuckle a little. "Yes just you and me." He said with his gummy smile.  "Okay good, because I need to talk to you." You say while looking at him. "Is it bad? Am i in trouble?" He said with concern in his voice.

You just shake your head and pull him to the room. You shut the door and sit down on the bed looking at your hands. 'Do you think he will say no or that your are gross?' You thought to yourself.

Yoongi then came and sat next to you. "What do you need to talk to me about?" He asked with a concerned face. "Do you think im pretty?" You ask looking at you hands afraid to look up and see him looking at you with a disgusted face.

You suddenly feel a hand on your chin lifting your head up. As your head was being lifting up your eyes locked onto his eyes. "Of course i think you are pretty. You are gorgeous." He said with passion in his eyes.

"If i ask you a question, you won't think of me differently if you say no. Right?" You ask in a slow tone. "Of course. No matter what i won't think differently of you." He said with a smile.

"Now tell me whats going on. Okay?" He said with a curious tone of voice. "Yyy-you know im a virgin rrr-right" you say with a shaky voice. He nods his head yes. "CanYouTakeMyVriginity?" You said really fast. Hoping he hear and understood what you said.

"You will have to slow down if you want me to understand what you are saying baby." He said with a chuckle. You breathe out a shaky breathe. 'This is so hard... What if he says no and our relationship changes.' You think to yourself.

"I said will you take my virginity?" You said while looking away from his eyes. After a few seconds of silence. "Im sorry i shouldn't of asked." You said as you got up to leave the room.

You were almost to the door when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his chest. "No im glad you asked me. I just didn't know what to say. I have a question though. Why me?" He asked while he put his hand in your hair and started to play with it.

"I dont trust many people. I trust you. I feel like you wont get what you want from me and then leave.... Like eveyone else." You say with your eyes close wishing that you had never asked.

"If that is the case then, I would be more then happy to be the one to do that for you." He said with a smile on his face. You slowly opened your eyes and looked at him. He then leaned down close to your face.

You could feel his breath on your lips. He then pressed his lips on yours and kissed you. It wasnt a rushed kissed it was filled with passion. After a few minutes of kissing. You both pull away for air.

"Do you want to lose it tonight or when?" He whispers in your ear in a husky voice. As he was saying that you had chills go down you back.

"Umm...... Tonight" you said as you shove your face into his chest. You here a chuckle from above. "Okay. I just have to make sure its okay with hobi, Okay?" He said as he pulled you out his chest.

"Just wait here and I'll go talk with him?" He said in a reassuring way. "Okay. I'll sit on the bed and wait for you." You say looking at your hands. You hear him walk towards the door. You hear it open and then close. 'I hope hobi is okay with this.' You thought.

Yoongi's POV.
    You were walking out of the room towards hobi's room. 'I wasn't expecting her to ask me that.' You thought to yourself. You walk into Hobi's room.

"Hey baby." You say as you walk in. Your eyes fall on a hobi laying on his bed watching a youtube video. "Hey babe. What did Y/N want to talk to you about?" He asked stopping the video and sitting up while patting the space beside him.

"That's what im here to talk to you about. I know we are doing the whole open relastionship, but i still wanted to talk to you about this." You say while sitting down next to him.

"Okay baby whats up?" He said with a calm face. "She wants me to take her virginity. She only trust me to take it. I told i would talk to you about it. She wants to do it Tonight. What do you think?" You asked him with a little blush on your face.

"If she is trusting you to do that. Then i say do it. You mean something to her for her to ask that. Plus, that probably wasn't something easy to ask either. In honesty though I kind of want something out this as well."Hobi said with a smirk on his face.

"What would you want baby?" You asked with a curious tone of voice. "Just that if she has sex with anyone else I want to be the second one to do it. In order for you to take her virginity." Hobi says while looking into your eyes. "I would have to see if she is okay with that." You say while looking into his eyes.

Y/N's POV.
   It has been a few minutes since he has left when you hear the door open again and close. You look up and your eyes go wide when you see both Yoongi and Hoseok standing in front of you.

"Oh hi hobi." You say. "Hi Y/N. I know what you asked. Im fine with it just as long as if you have sex with anyone else im the second person." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh.... Umm.... Okay. I wouldn't mind that." You said as you blush and look down at you hands. "Okay. You two have fun. I love You baby. See you tomorrow. Bye Y/N." Hobi said as he leaned over and kissed yoongi's lips.

Hobi then walks out he room leaving you and yoongi alone. "I promise I'll be gentle." He said as he walks over to you and sits next to you on the bed.

"I trust you. I have no idea what im doing either. Im sorry." You say looking down at your lap. "Thats okay baby I can be dominate." He said leaning forward and pressing his lips onto yours.

"Is it going to hurt?" You ask with your cheeks a bright red.....

Sorry i haven't updated in awhile. I also promise the smut screen is next chapter.

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