Chapter 11

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****three days later******
Y/N's POV.
  Ever since that day you spend most of your time in yo5tongi's room. You two have gotten closer. You have explained to him that you have severe depression. You also have really bad anxiety and panic attacks. There has been a lot of things.

You have made up with tae and kookie. Jimin how ever you still wont talk to him. He hurt you bad. You avoid him at all cost. One time you saw him coming down the hall and the only thing you can think of was to hide behind who ever was standing next to you.

You slide your hands around the persons waist and bury your face into their back. Which turns out to be Jin......

"You know you can't hide from him forever. Just talk with him. I know he feels really bad for what happened. He has been crying since that day." Jin said.

"I know.... Im just not ready. He really hurt me." I said while looking at the floor.

Anyway you basically have been avoiding him and he has been upset. He even sat outside yoongi's door saying he was sorry while bawling his eyes out. It hurt me to hear him that way, but he needs to learn that he cant treat me that way.

****four days later*****
It have been almost a week since he called me a slut. Im starting to not avoid him anymore. I think if he comes up to me and talks to me ill try to speak with him, but the moment i have a panic attack im out of there.

"Hey.... Y/N can we talk?" Jimin says while looking down.

"Yes we can." You say while looking at your hands.

"Okay lets go to the living room and talk." He says while grabing your hand and pulling you into the living room.

You both sit down on the couch and you just look at your hands. I could feel Jimin staring at me.

"Sooo...." You say breaking the silence. "Im really sorry Y/N. I should of never of lied to you. I was just mad and i should of watched what i said. Can you give me a second chance??? Please, I'll show you how much you mean to me and how wrong i was." He said with tears going down his face....

All you could do is hug him really tight. You thought it was bad hearing it through the door.... Boy were you wrong... Hin crying in person just wrecked you. You hug him tight and say "I forgive you. And ill give you a other chance. Please stop crying.." You say with a worried tone of voice.

"Thank you so much." He says while hugging you back. You both stay like that for a couple of minutes.

You both separate from the hug. "I have been waiting for you to say sorry for a couple of days now. I already knew i was going to forgive you." you say looking you hands. "I should of done it sooner, but..." He was saying before you said "Noooo, i understand I wasn't listening there for a while. Its fine love. Its in the past. Ill tell yoongi we made up. I am going to go to his room. Im kind of tired"  said giving a hug again.

"Wait! Can we hang out tomorrow. Me and you in my room. Just spending time together getting to know each other??" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes!! I would like to get to know you better." You said with a smile "yay!! Thank you so much." He says and gives you a kiss on your cheek. You start to blush and say "I'm going to go now bye jimin." You rush off to yoongi's room. After you close the door you slide down it with your hand on your cheek. "He kissed my cheek." You say.

****Next day****
After you get out of bed you take a shower and get ready to hang out with jimin. Yoongi walks out of the bathroom after his shower.

"Hey, im going to be hanging out with Jimin all day. We made up yesterday. Is that okay with you?" You ask innocently. "Of course love bug. I'm not going to stop you from doing what you want. He just better not hurt you." Yoongi says with a serious tone of voice. "I will be fine yoongs. I'm going to go eat breakfast okay?" You say and he simply nods to you.

You go to eat breakfast. You eat a poptart. To lazy to make anything else to eat. After breakfast you finally go to jimin's room to hang out. You knock on the door and you here "come on" from jimin.

"Hiiii Jiminie!!!" you say in a cute voice. He turns around and looks at you with a huge smile on his face. "Hey cutie!!" He said coming to give me a hug. We hug and then sit down on his bed. "Waht do you want to do?" He says while looking at you in your eyes.

"How about a movie??? A scary movie?" You say with excitement in your voice. "Sounds good to me" he says as he gets up to go put a scary movie in.

Yoongi's POV.
   Im glad they made up. He better nice to her or he will regret it. Im going ti see if hobi wants to come over.

To: Hobi ❤
Hey hopi!! You want to hang out in my room?? 😉😏

From: Hobi ❤
What about Y/N?

To: Hobi ❤
She is hanging out with Jimin. They made up so they are hanging out all day today. Come over... I miss you..

From: Hobi ❤
Okay yoons. Ill be there in a minute or two. Let me get dressed.

Me and hobi haven't spent time just us in a while. I miss hanging out with him.

***about an hour or so later***
Y/N's POV.
  After we watched the movie we were just talking about life. Everything was going good until he brought up the one thing that i have a hard time talking about.

"Won't your parent start to get worried if you donf return home?" Jimin asked. Upon hearing the question you start to think about how they dont care about you and how they kicked you out of their house at a young age and beat you almost everyday until then.

Your eyes start to get teary and all you want to the comfort of yoongi's warm welcoming arms warpped around you.

You get uo suddenly and run out the room. You ignore jimins calls out to you and keep running until you burst through the door to yoongi's room.

You immediately run and jump into his bed and place your head on his bare chest sobing loudly....

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