Chapter 16

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A/N I'm sorry i haven't been updating the stories. I had lost motivation to write. I have gotten some what of a motivation to start to write again. I do want to just say that I am trying to start to write more then i was before.

Trigger Warning

****Few hours after sexy time with Hobi****

Authors POV.

Y/N had fallen asleep after the second round with Hoseok. She had never experienced something like that before. She was in heaven the whole time. She thought that if all of the boys were like Hoseok and Yoongi then she was in heaven.

She has also came to terms that she is finally were she belongs. She belongs with the boys.... HER boys. She is hope that no matter what that they will want her to be around forever and never give her up.

Y/N POV. ***DREAM***

You were sitting in the living room when all of sudden all 7 of them came into the living room with serious faces. "hey guys. whats up?" you said as you look at every single one of their faces.

"Get out." Yoongi said to looking straight into your eyes. "Wwwwhat... Why?" You looked back into his eye and all you can see is angry pure hatred. "You heard me is said GET OUT.. What part of that don't you understand. We don't like you and you need to get out of our sight before we hurt you. We don't like you, we never did. You were just easy to get into bed. Now leave."

You were hurt. How could he say such things to you. You slowly got up to leave. As you were going towards them you stopped and looked them all in the eyes and they all held the answers to why they did it to you. Some held lust, some held desire, but one it particular hurt you the most and that one held hatred and everything you thought you had shared with him was gone and was replaced with depression and a lot of thoughts that were way worse then before you had meet them. You thought that everything to be okay if you stayed with them, but for some reason you needed to know why all of sudden you had to leave after everything had happened. 'were you to big of slut that they needed you to leave. were they just saying tho things to hurt you more then they asked you leave.' those were the thoughts that were going through your head.

"No, tell me why first. Then i will leave. I can't just leave without knowing why you want me to go. I thought you said that you will never make me leave??" You ask with as much confidence you could muster up. "I said if you don't leave we will hurt you. Is that what you want?? If you don't leave by the time i count to five then there will be hell to pay." Yoongi had said whiling looking at you from head to toe.

"I said i want to know why.. Now te..." you started to say but you hear Yoongi say "One.... Two..." "But.." "Three... Four... FIVE... Wow you are stupid aren't you. I gave you enough time to leave. I guess i will have to hurt you."

You felt your blood run cold. 'He couldn't really hurt could he??' you thought to yourself. You didn't notice that Yoongi was making his way over to you until you felt him slap you right across the face. It felt like your whole world came cashing down around you. You start to scream when the rest of the boys started to surround you.


You wake to Yoongi shaking you trying to wake you up. You start to freak out. "Pppp..please don't hit me..." You say not wanting to get hurt anymore "I'll leave.... I promise... just... don't... hurt me.." You say in between sobs.

After nothing happens you look up to see a teary eyed Yoongi. "You thought i was going to hit you?" He said looking heart broken. You then realize it was a dream. "Im soo soo sorry. I had a nightmare..." You said while looking at the broken man in front of you.

"I understand i wont hurt you. I promise. Can i touch you?" Yoongi said as he got closer to you. You let him pull you into a hug. You missed the way it felt for him to hold you. You missed him in general.

"Please don't ever leave me..." You said as you snuggled closer to his chest. "Never." He said as he rubs circles on your back to calm you down.

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