Chapter 8

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Yoongi's POV.
   After I left the room. I put my ear to the door to hear if she said anything. Its quite for a bit. Just as i was about to leave, I hear "I can not belive i just kissed my bias" Y/N's said. 'She is just too cute' you say to yourself. I have a little issue now. Great.... I wonder if i can use the bathroom at the end if the hall before i go back to dinner.

                 Few minutes later
Y/N's POV.
   After finally getting my shirt on and calming myself down. I walk out into the dinning room for dinner. As i walk out i notice only six guys.

"Where is yoongi?" I hear Jin say. "I don't know. He said he was coming out here.... Maybe he..." I was saying before yoongi came in the room and interrupted me. "I was going peeing. Sorry i had to pee. Didn't know it was a crime to take a piss." He said rather sassly. "Umm.... Okay? Everyone ready to ear?" Jin said calmly.

"Yes, please? Im starving." Jungkook stated as he started to dig into his food. "Lets eat then." Namjoon said while laughing.

"So, what is your name?" Namjoon asked while picking food up with his chop sticks. "Y/N. My name is Y/N." I said with a little smile. "Well, that is a very pretty name. It matches you. Very pretty." Hobi says while looking you in the eyes. You get really shy and look down at your food. Before you can say anything Jimin pipes up and says "Pretty??? You mean GORGEOUS!!" While smirking at hobi. Hobi and Jimin were just aguring back and forth about how pretty you were.

You thought it was so funny how they had to fight about how pretty you were. You started laughing so hard that you snorted. After you snorted it went quite and while you stopped laughing and covered your face with your hands. It was so quite until you heard someone say "That was the cutest thing i have ever heard." You uncover your bright red face and look up for them. They all had big bright smiles on there faces.

Namjoon's POV.
  Hoseok and Jimin were fighting over something. I wasnt listening to them i was to focused on Y/N. She is so cute. Out of no where she started laughing. She seemed to be laughing harder each second. When all of sudden she snorts. Everyone goes quite and she hides her face with her hands. 'She is so adorable. I can't handle it.' I thought to myself. I just smile at her

Jin's POV.
   I was eating my yummy dinner when all of sudden i hear Y/N laughing really hard. 'She has such a cute laugh' I thought to myself when i hear her snort. That was even cuter than her laugh. I want to hear that more. I smile sweetly at her.

Yoongi's POV.
   Her laugh is something i could listen to forever. I don't mind it at all. 'OMG.... Did she just snort? That was the cutest fucking thing ever!!' He thought as he started to smile without noticing.

Jimin's POV.
  Wow how can someone be so sexy, yet so cute at the same time. 'Too cute' he thought as he eye smiled at her.

Hoseok's POV.
   'I wonder what she listens to the most when she dances?' He thought to himself until his thoughts were disturbed by a Y/N laughing and then snorting. 'Wow... Haha that was adorkable!!' He thought as he smiled really big at her.

Jungkook's POV.
  Y/N started laughing and then snorted. 'I kind thought she would have an ugly laugh, because of how gorgeous she is, but damn was I wrong. She even snorts. 😍😍' i thought to myself as I show my cute bunny smile off.

Tae's POV.
   Y/N started laughing because hobi and jiminie were fighting over something stupid if you ask me. Of course she is absolutely gorgeous, but they still didn't have to fight over it. "Ahahhaha *SNORT*...." Y/N was laughing then snorted. She hid her face in her hands. "That was the cutest thing i have ever heard." I said as I was smiling at her.

(Trigger warning depressing thoughts)

Y/N's POV.
  They were all smiling at me.... I cant take it.. I get up and run back to yoongi's room and hid under his blanket. 'Why do I always have to ruin everything. We were having such a great time and I go and make such an annoying noise. I bet they only said it was cute so that my feelings wouldnt get hurt.' I thought to myself. I hear the door open and close. Then i feel the bed sink a little and the blanket get pulled off my head. "Y/N, are you okay?" I hear yoongi say. "Do you want me to lie and of yea im fine just a embarrassed or should i say the truth and say no I'm not fine. I ruined dinner and all of you probably think im super weird and annoying? I guess you could choose which ever you want. Why would any one of you actually like me? There is nothing special about me. Nothing worth picking me over all of those other girls." I said really fast.

You feel yoongi lift you head up to where you are looking into his eyes and says "I can assure you that we don't feel that way. We think you are pretty, funny, smart,and caring. We chose you, because you stood out to us and showed us that we arent just idols, but that we are also human. You snorting was the cutest thing ever. I honestly could listen to your laugh forever." While giving you his gummy smile. "But im not pretty. Im gross. I dont see it....." I said before yoongi interrupted me "Of course you dont see what we see. That takes awhile for anyone to actually love ones self. Do you think you just randomly wake up and love everything about yourself?" He lightly chuckles "No, you do not. You learn to love yourself little by little. No one else can get you to the point of loving yourself. Only you can get yourself there. Okay?..... Do you feel better?" Yoongi asked with concern in his voice.

"I do. Thank you for telling me what I needed to hear." I said I hug him. He hugs back immediately. "Do you want to go finishing eating now?" He asked whike you simply nod your head.

As you walk back out to the table. Everyone asked in unison "Are you okay?" You reply with a simple yes and sit down to finish you food.
Time skip to after dinner and dishes are done.

As you were sitting in the living with everyone you had a thought 'where am i going to be sleeping?'

"Ummm..... I have a question?" You say shly.. "Yes sweetheart?" Jin says sweetly. "Where am i going to be sleeping?" You ask while looking down at your hands. "Well, if you want one of us can give up our bed for you to sleep in....." Jin was saying before you cut him off "I do not want to sleep alone...." You almost scream. " oh... Um... Okay. Well, you could sleep with one of us. If that is what you want?" Jin said calmly.

"But who would i sleep with?" You ask shly looking down at your hands. All of a sudden you hear the maknea line yell "ME!!!"

"Yah.... No,we will do rock, paper, scissors to determine who she sleeps with tonight then we will make a schedule of who she sleeps with next. How does that sound?" Namjoon states as he eyes the maknea line. We all nod our heads and the boys start the game.

Tine skip to where two people are left.

Y/N's POV.
  Its only yoongi and hobi left. I dont mind who wins on this. I get cuddles either way 😊. They start the round. Their hands come down to reveal who wins and its........

Wow..... Im wasn't excepting it to be this long. Hopi you enjoy 😊😊😊

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