Chapter 12

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Y/N's POV.
   You noticed that the chest you landed your face didnt feel the same as yoongi's. You slowly lift you head up only find Hobi looking back at you with wide eyes. You start to freak out.

"Shit, did i run into the wrong room. Im so sorry Hobi." You say as you lift yourself off the bed, but then realize once you look around that you are in Yoongi's room and not Hobi's.

"Hobi why are you shirtless in Yoongi's bed?" You ask and them realize that he isnt just shirtless he is naked under the covers. Before he could say anything. A rather naked Yoongi walks out of the bathroom saying "Hobi i swear you f*** better after a while of is not doing anything."  He finally looks up and see's you looking at him with a red face.

"Y/N what are you doing here? Why are you crying?" He asked with a worry face. Before you could say anything back to him. Jimin burst into the room saying "Y/N im sorry for what ever i did. I didnt mean to upset you." He says in a sad tone. His eyes then drift over to naked Yoongi stand there and then back to a naked Hobi in bed.

"Hyungs, what is going on here?" Jimin asked. Yoongi then realized that he was still naked and got the sweatpants that were in the floor next to him and put them on. "Fine. You caught us anyway. Me and Hobi we dating." Yoongi said while looking at your expression to see how you felt about it. " oh.... Ummm... Okay im going to go. Again Y/N im sorry i shouldnt of asked." Jimin said then left the room.

"Y/N are you okay?" Yoongi asked looking at your frozen face. You snap out of whatever was going on and look at him and say "No not really, but are you and Hobi really together?" You ask. "Yes we are sorry if that is gross. If you want to leave i understand." Yoongi said while looking at his hands instead of you.

"No its fine. I dont mind at all. I just made Hobi cheat on you that's all im worried about." You say with a sad tone. "No you didn't i gave him permission to. Its totally fine i promise." Yoongi said looking at Hobi with a smile.

"I guess we should tell the others huh?" Hobi said out of no where. "Yea probably. Do you want to go get everyone at the table so we can talk with them. I want to make sure Y/N is fine. Okay baby?" Yoongi said to Hobi. Hobi gladly got up and got dressed and went out the room, but not before giving Yoongi a kiss on the lips.

"Now what did Jimin do this time babygirl?" He asked while walking over to you and sitting on the bed. He then patted the bed for you to sit down and talk. Instead of sitting on the bed you threw yourself into his arms. "He asked me about my parents. I havent told anyone this, but me and parents dont talk. They disowned me. They don't care about me. Of course i still care about them. It just hurts. I dont like talking about them. It makes me super upset." You say as you put your face into the crook of his neck.

"I understand babygirl. You don't have to talk about it. Calm down and lets go to the kitchen. I have some explaining to do." Yoongi said as he picks you up and carrys you out to the dinning room.

"Y/N are you okay? Did something happen" you heard a lot of different people ask you that question. You arent sure who all did. You then lift you head out of face only to meet the four part of eye's looking at you.

"Yes she is fine now. Just a heads up when talking with her don't bring up her parents its a touchy subject. No one is upset at anyone. Me and Hobi have something to say though." Yoongi said to the whole group.

"Hobi and I are dating. We have been for a couple of years now. Im sorry if that bothers anyone of you, but we love each other. And yes we are in an open relationship." Yoongi said while grabbing Hobi's hand.

"Aweee that is just to cute!!" Jin said as he looked at their hands connected. "Joonie how come you dont hold my hand like that?" Jin asked Namjoon. Namjoon just shrugs his shoulders and grabbed jins hand and locked their fingers. "Happy now? And we don't have a problem with it, because we are dating as well. Ever since we got put in the group." Namjoon said while looking at a smiling Jin.

"I guess the three of you should come out as well." Jin said eyeing the maknae line.

"Wait all you guys are in a relationship. Why am i even here then?" You say a little surprised.

"Y/N we want you here, because we liked you at the fan meet. And honestly its nice to have a female in the house instead of all of us men." Nmajoon said. "Okay so are all of you in an open relationships as well then?" You ask...

"I assume so. Do you still want to stay here even after knowing all of this?" Yoongi asked with a hint of sadness in his voice.... You dont know how to react at all.

Sorry peeps. I have been a busy potato. Forgive me for i have sinned... 😐😐😐

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