chapter 5

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Y/N's POV.

Girls they chose. What the fuck are the talking about.... I have to ask them whats going on....

"Umm...... Eeexcuse me... Bbbut whats going on??" I said... Gosh why do i have to be so nervous... I can't its to much to handle right now.

None of them actually heard you, because they were fighting on who got you first and all that... I was getting super annoyed. I'm not usually an angry person until get pushed a point... No one has ever seen me full on mad... Which is a good thing.. I'll yell if i have to, but ive never gotten angry.... They are pushing it though...

"YAhhhhhhhhhh....... Shut up and answer my questions now " i screamed... They all seemed scared by my out burst. They all shut up immediately and looked at me with wide eyes.. "Now tell me why you had to chose someone?" I say in my normal voice.

"Big Hit told us that we need to choose a girl at this fan meet, so that we can do a fake relationship with them for publicity... The bad thing is apparently we all chose you.." Yoongi said.

"Why would you guys choose me?? Im nothing compared to the other girls you could of choosen... What makes me special? I am literally no one... I'm a potato."i said wtih tears forming in my eyes...

Jin noticed the tears and immediately ingulfed you into a hug. You felt a little better than before, but you still had all the questions in my head. You wanted to know why you?

"I choose you, because you are the prettiest girl i have ever seen. You are really caring, and you are funny. You are special. I could of choosen another girl, but i didn't. Because you stood out to me and i knew you were the one before you even got to the table." Yoongi said.. This made your heart flutter..

"For me, you were the only girl that actually cared that we were sitting here signing all of those book and photos. You noticed my hand started to cramp up and you basically demanded my hand and massaged it. Showing me that you cared about us and not just our looks and fame. That is when i knew you were the one for me! Plus,you are gorgeous so that was a bonus!" Jungkook stated. After hearing this it hurt your heart hearing how the other fans treated them.

Jin looked down at me and said "Basically for me you were absolutely gorgeous and so small that it was too kute to pass up. You also called me worldwide handsome!!" After he said this is made you blush and hide his face in his chest...

"You insulted me and i immediately knew that i just had to choose you. Beside i like a girl with a little sass." Namjoon said. I slowly peeked out of Jins chest and chuckled lightly.

Tae brusted his way through the other guys to get to me and confidently stated "You are weird just like me. I knew right away that we would be the perfect match!" Without realizing it you just started to stare at him away, but before he could say anything else Hobi butted in and said.....

"Your brutal honesty and nervousness made me want to be around you all the time." You just go wide eyed and panicked and shoved your face back into Jin's chest.

"Your confidence and bangin body is why I just had to choose you. On the up side you said you could dance and I wanted a chance to see." Jimin says with a smirk on his gorgeous yet manly face.

You out of the hug and look at Jimin and was about to say something something, before Hobi rudely interrupted..... I mean not really interrupted mostly because i haven't actually said anything, but still i was going to Rude!!!.

"Wait!! You can dance??" Hobi yelled. You can feel the stress starting to getting to me. Everything that is happening is super overwhelming and I felt like it was going to burst...... Then suddenly everything went black...


Sorry guys ive been super lazy 😐😐

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