Good Morning

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*I'm such a night owl.  I finish and post all my imagines after midnight when most people would be asleep right now.  People on the East Coast at the time I post this would understand. It's about 1:30 in the morning right now btw. 
Anyways only four days left until my birthday!!
Comment down below when your guys birthdays are....or if we have the same birthday.
Love you all so much
Enjoy the imagine!!*


"psst....babe are you awake?" you heard a whisper through your ears as you slowly woke up from your sleep.  You didn't want to wake up in the slightest, but you just kept hearing..... "Babe are you up yet?"

"I am now" you groaned in a morning voice that was so unattractive that it made you want to die 

Knowing fully who was waking you up this early made you even more mad.  Colby freaking Brock, your boyfriend of almost two years, knows that you are not a morning person. The one rule you made from Colby when you moved into his house with all of his roommates was -to always let you sleep until you wanted to wake up- it's not that difficult of a rule to follow. 

You groan once more and then finally turn your head to the other side of your pillow and politely yet sarcastically ask "what do you want Colby?" 

"Just wanted to say good morning to my favorite girl" 

Gently rolling your eyes, but still appreciating the sweet kindness of Colby you raise your head to gently kiss his lips and then plop your head back down on your pillow and said "Good night babe" and try to fall back asleep 

Before you could fall asleep you felt Colby get our of the bed and then heard him leave his  bedroom to let you sleep some more. 

Before you knew it you were asleep again. 

You had absolutely no idea how long you were even asleep for, but the sound of Colby's bedroom door slamming shut woke you up again.  It sounded like he used all the force in his body to slam it shut.  He wasn't getting out of this easy that's for sure. 

"Colby I thought I told you to let me sleep in" you said whining not wanting to lift your head from your pillows 

"Keep your eyes closed and just flip over....I promise you'll be less tired after this" he said in a quiet tone 

"Babe I just want to sleep right now" 

Colby then took matters into his own hands.  He removed your blankets from your body and lifted you out of the bed.  He then gently placed you back down onto your backside, but you remembered he told you to keep your eyes closed so you did.  Colby didn't say another word for a few seconds, so you got really confused and decided to take a peak at what was happening in front of you. 

You saw Colby standing beside your bed holding a large tray in his hands filled with different breakfast meals and also a cup of coffee.  From laying in bed you couldn't tell what exactly was on the tray, but once he placed in on your lap you saw scrambled eggs with toast, fresh fruit with whipped cream on the side, and a stack of french toast with powdered sugar on it. 

'How long was I asleep for?'  you asked yourself as you just smiled.  You held the tray even tighter when Colby climbed back into bed with you.  He slept next to the wall and you slept on the outside.  His gray sweatpants slid under the blanket leaving just his shirtless abdomen area exposed. He rest himself on one of his elbows and he took the first piece of french toast for himself from the tray. 

"Colby Brock what did I ever do to deserve you?" you asked out loud as you ate the ate and dipped the strawberries in whipped cream.  "And how long was I asleep for just now?" you asked wondering how he prepared all this 

"Trust me Y/N....I don't deserve you, but I'm glad as hell that you're mine" he said as it made you blush and smile softly at Colby. After almost two years of dating Colby still had the ability to make your knees go weak and have your heart pound; just by the way he would smile at you or make you feel special.  "Also you were asleep for another two hours" he laughed his usual comedic laugh 

"What time is it?" 

"Almost noon" 

"Since it isn't noon yet....Good morning Colby" you whispered as you kissed Colby's cheek getting small amounts of whipped cream on him 

"Good morning beautiful" he whispered back as he placed a kiss on your lips making once again your body feel numb and weak to the touch 

Colby kissed you continuously, but you finally pulled away to take a sip of coffee and continue eating your breakfast. "No more kissing Mr. Brock, morning breath is gross" 

"I don't mind because it still means I'm kissing my favorite girl" 

"You annoy the hell out of me when you break our only rule, but God I wouldn't want to wake up next to anyone else.  I love you Colby" 

"I love you too babe" he said giving you another kiss, but this time on your cheek instead of your lips just as you did to not give in and let him smell your morning breath. "Now finish eating....the morning might be almost over, but the day has only just begun" he smiled 

'I'm so lucky to have Colby'  you  thought to yourself as you smiled and continued eating breakfast in bed with Colby 

Colby Brock ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now