Chapter 1: The Pub

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In the 1730's, there was a young girl named Merabelle Dragunov. She is a 14 year old girl with a dead mother, and an alcoholic father who owns a pub called Dragunov Diner and Bar. She really loves her father, even if he does drink because when he is drinking, he tells stories. He even repeats them and Merabelle loves that. Merabelle reflects off her mother. She has her personality of being adventurous and rambunctious. She looks like her father having his brown hair and eyes. One boring night, she was cleaning up in the kitchen while her father, Igor Dragunov was doing his usual amount of storytelling of how he captained a ship and sailed the seas in his young years.

Merabelle listened from the kitchen very closely listening to her father's scottish accent. "Oh, aye. We sailed to an island that was filled with settlers who claimed it as their own, but I told 'em We are here to deliver something for you that you must keep to yourselves at the greatest expense until a man of heart comes in search of it. They agreed to take it, only on one condition. That they got a good share of the treasure themselves. You're probably wondering how we got the treasure in the first place. A one-eyed man was hiding chests and chests of gold and jewels all to himself. Bathing in it when no one was looking. I illustrated a map meself. But, it was stolen from the one-eyed man. Is he out there still looking for it hopelessly or was it stolen from him by my very own daughter, Merabelle Dragunov? Eh Merry?" Merabelle smiled and yelled from the kitchen "If I had the map, I wouldn't be here. I would have taken the map and gone to have my own adventure!"

Mr.Dragunov was on his 3rd bottle of rum. Ms.Watson, the scullery maid was yelling throughout the pub "Alright customers, Closing time. You pays your bills and leave!" She was knocking down apple bins and empty bottles. "Drunk again are you?" she asked Mr.Draganov. Ms.Watson was a tall, but plump woman who was the second hand in the pub. Mr.Dragunov ignored what she said and put a couple of shillings on the table. "Here's to you, lass. I'm leaving to my room." He left a couple coins on the table for Merabelle. Merabelle finished sweeping the kitchen and picked up the coins "4 Shillings? Nice!" "I don't think so Ms.Dragunov." Ms.Watson said snatching the coins "You don't get this until you finish your chores." "But, I did." Merabelle said trying to snatch the coins back. "No, you haven't put out the lantern yet." "Why can't you do it. Your taller!" Merabelle said furiously. "I have a bad back. You know this. Just grab a chair and climb!"

Merabelle did a furious sigh, grabbed a chair and dragged it out in front of the pub. "Ugh, I hate my life. I wish life were more like my father's adventures. Sailing the seas and making friends with settling tribes." She stepped on the chair and started to climb the pole of the lamp. "Ugh. Why can't someone taller do this? I'm only 5'4!" She blew out the candle, which threw her off balance made her slip and fall landing on the chair hard, causing it to fall back. "I'm just a stupid girl without a mother!" Then her two friends who also work in the pub, but had the hour off, Kevin Parkinson and Ethan Borrison saw her on the ground.

Kevin came at the age of 7.He has dirty blond hair and ocean blue eyes. His mother died at birth, his father died when he was seven. Ethan Borrison is a transport from the 13 colonies. He came at the age of nine when both of his parents killed under the king's orders for trying to protect their son from joining the soldiers. He has brown hair and brown eyes like Merabelle's. They sometimes get mistaken as twins.

"Merabelle? Why didn't you tell Ms.Watson that you're too short and tell her to do it herself?" Kevin said helping her up. "I did, but did she listen? No." "Where have you two been? You were supposed to help me in the kitchen." Merabelle said upset. "Well, it's your 14th birthday, isn't it?" Kevin said. "Yeah, boring every year, stuck with work, same old, same old." "Not this year." Ethan said. "What do you mean?" Merabelle asked. Ethan took out a necklace. "Ethan! How did you buy this?" Merabelle asked. "We won it." Kevin said. "How?" Merabelle said while Ethan put the necklace on her. "Well, there was a challenge on geography, then we thought about you and how you love it and how much we had to hear you talk about it. We decided to actually use it for something useful." The necklace was a clock (Sort of like a locket). "Wow, it's just like my compass my mother passed down to me before she died." She took out a rusty, but working compass. "You guys are the best!" "Anything for our best friend." Kevin said.

"Why do best friends like us have to have such a boring life?" Merabelle said. "Yeah, I wish our lives were more like Mr.Dragunov's adventures. Sailing the seven seas and exploring lost islands and civilizations." Kevin said. "Navigating through the seas with my compass!" "WHY DON'T YOU NAVIGATE WITH YOUR COMPASS TO THE KITCHEN AND FINISH THE DISHES!" Ms.Watson yelled from inside the pub. "Big ears." Merabelle said. "Might as well start. I'll wash." Kevin said. "I'll dry." Ethan said. "I'll stack and put away." Merabelle said. "No, you've had enough for today. You break." "Alright, thanks mates." Merabelle said.

They went inside and Merabelle at least stacked the dishes. Then they heard footsteps from upstairs coming down "RUM! I NEED RUM! I'VE GOT HORRORS! GIVE IT TO ME!" Mr.Dragunov was slashing empty bottles with his sword. "Rum till I pass out!" He was about to fall to the floor, but Merabelle used all her strength to catch him. "No, you just need to go to bed, father." "AND DON'T BE GIVING HIM ANYMORE RUM!" Ms.Watson yelled from upstairs. "How does she bloody do that?" Mr.Dragunov said. He heard a noise outside. "SSHH SHH!"

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