Chapter 13: The Tribe

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Captain Jones and Ethan, along with Squirt sailed to the island and told Mrs. Degrey and Denise to stay behind and watch the ship. "Thank you for being brave enough to come along, Ethan." Captain Jones said. "Are you kidding, Merabelle and Kevin are my family." Ethan said rowing the longboat.

They sailed to the sandy land upon the ocean. But, they were on the opposite side of the island from where Merabelle and Kevin were. It was too dark to search, so they decided to take in some sleep before searching once again.

Ethan heard distant voices in his sleep and woke up. He grabbed a match and lit it to see many faces. "AAAH!" he screamed. Captain Jones burst awake. The faces turned into people. "Whoa. This must be the tribe Mr. Dragunov talked about." Ethan said. The faces spoke in their language and grabbed Ethan and Captain Jones. They took them to their homes. There were huts made of straw and bonfires shining as bright as day, which hurt the sleepy, tired eyes of Ethan and Captain Jones.They were tied to stakes and one of the tribe members, "Hello, stinky midget woman and friend. I am Kahn." he said. "Nice to meet you." Ethan said in a not-so-sure-to-trust-this-guy voice. "I'm Captain Jones. We have not come to invade or harm. We are just here to rescue some friends who have been kidnapped by a crew of pirates who are scavenging this island so to speak." Captain Jones said. "Shut it, midget woman. You have invaded island. Now you suffer the wrath of our tribe leader!" he said infuriated. "That doesn't sound good." Ethan said.

The sound of feet fled around the area. Squirt fled from the scene. More tribe members started to flood around them. A few minutes later, a young man, a foot or two taller than Captain Jones appeared. Captain Jones stared at him as if she was seeing a good friend she hadn't seen in years. "Our leader, Maximum Ollivander."

Captain Jones kept staring at her. Maximum was wearing a brown cloak and had a bow and arrow with him . He started to walk towards them. "Greetings. I am Maximum Ollivander. Leader of this tribe and King of this is-" He stopped and looked at captain Jones. "Caroline, is that you?" the man asked. Caroline avoided eye contact with him. "Untie them." Maximum said. One of the tribe members did so. "Long time no see, Max." Captain Jones said. "Have you come to seek my hand in marriage?" he asked. "No." Captain Jones said. "I have come on a rescue mission." Captain Jones said. "Tie 'em back in their stakes!" yelled Maximum. Once again one of the tribe leaders tied them.

"Actually, change that. Tie the other one up, leave Ms.Jones with me." Maximum said. The poor tribe leader let out a sigh and untied Captain Jones. "Come with me, Caroline." Maximum said. Caroline did so, but ever so cautiously. "Remember when you first sailed to my island with that no good Dragunov and his wife Izerina? Even though they gave us the treasure, they were still no good. You were his first mate and he made you captain. I remember my proposal to you, but you said you'd think about it, and here you are now coming for a RESCUE MISSION AND NOT SEEKING MY HAND AT MARRIAGE!" Maximum said raising his voice. "I had duties to tend to, Max." Captain Jones said annoyed. "WHO IS THIS PERSON THAT IS IN NEED OF RESCUING FROM MY ISLAND!" Maximum said. "Mr.Dragunov's daughter and her friend, sir." Caroline said. "That man has a daughter?" He asked now lowering his voice a little. "Her and her friend had been taken here by a band of pirates who have been disguising themselves as my crew." Caroline said in a disappointed voice. "So, your carrying you former captains daughter on your ship and your rescuing her from my island?" Max asked to confirm the information he digested. "Yes." Caroline said. "Then, we shall find them!" Maximum said. "This isn't so I'd seek your hand in marriage is it?" Caroline asked. "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't."

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