Chapter 10: Mr.Gold gets a Bullseye

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It's been weeks since the storm, and the redcoat attack. It is very hot and there hasn't been any wind for 3 days. It has been driving the crew mad. They are sitting around on the main deck staring at the sky blindly.

Merabelle,Kevin, and Ethan were doing chores like slicing bread, stacking barrels, and or if they had any free time, read a good book for a while. Merabelle would sometimes go up into the crow's nest and talk to her parents who are now soaring the heavens together, watching over her. Squirt would join her sometimes and sit on her shoulders.

One foggy night, Mr.Gold was walking around the ship muttering to himself. Mr.Bullseye saw him and went to him. "Wicked fog tonight 'ain't it?" Mr.Bullseye asked Mr.Gold. "That's what I'm worried about sir." Mr.Gold said. "Fog can't hurt us sir." Mr.Bullseye said. "Actually sir, it can. See, when I was a young teenager, I was a cabin boy on a ship, you see. It was a foggy night, like this one. We crashed in a rock. When we attempted to escape, half the crew drowned in leaky lifeboats." Mr.Gold said in a depressed tone. "Luckily I knew how to swim, so I survived." "Well, my good sir, that is terribly unsafe. That inspires me to check the lifeboats." Mr.Bullseye said. "But, sir. I'm not saying that our lifeboats are unsafe." Mr.Gold said. "But, it is a foggy night, isn't it? So, I'm going to go check them. So we are prepared for the worst." Mr.Bullseye said heading to one of the lifeboats.

"The ores are on point. Keel, strakes. Mm-hmm. This one seems seaworthy, Mr.Gold!" "Sure, they do, sir...until you get them out into the open ocean." Mr.Gold said trying to hide a sly smile. "Then cast me off, Mr.Gold!" '

"Aye, sir. But, is there anything you want me to hold? Your hat, your coat, your keys?" Mr.Bullseye's eyes widened when he heard the word keys. "Oh, my keys! If I lost those, it would be disastrous." Mr.Bullseye said handing Mr.Gold his hat with his keys. "Now, cast me off, Mr.Gold."

"Aye aye sir." Mr.Gold said releasing the rope. When Mr.Bullseye disappeared in the fog he said to himself "Oh yes, Havarti." He picked up the keys and stashed in his pocket. Until he could not hear the sound of paddles, he threw Mr.Bullseye's hat in the open ocean, then yelled. "Man overboard!"

Crew members started to pour out from below deck. Captain Jones came out of her cabin. "Who has gone overboard?" Captain Jones said. "Mr.Bullseye had unfortunately gone overboard. He has stressed himself over the fog and muttered about crashing into a rock, I then saw him collapse and throw himself overboard." Mr.Gold said. "Oh no. How unfortunate. And he was personally a good friend to me. He really was my first mate." Captain Jones said in a sad tone. "What's the plan, captain?" Mrs.Degrey asked. "Well, I think a nice memorial will do." Captain Jones said. The crew first started to clean the ship for the memorial. Captain Jones had one of the crew members get Mr.Arrows hat. She had a stand ready for his speech. "Are you ready to start, ma'am?" Ms.Degrey asked. "Yes, Madam Degrey, I am."

The crew huddled in a group in front of the stand. The three children huddled in a group hig together. Merabelle in the middle and the boys on the sides.They had their arms around each other. Mr.Gold stood behind them looking like the rest (even though he was trying hard not to smile). Mr.Gold was whispering to one of his friends (Jerry) to tell him to do something for him. Merabelle sort of heard, but not really. She got sort of suspicious, but didn't worry about it.

"Fellow crew members, today we are here to honor a loyal crew member and friend, Mr. Daniel Bullseye." Then she went on.

Meanwhile, Jerry snuck into the captain's cabin, went to the drawer where the map was, grabbed the correct key and unlocked the drawer. It revealed the map. To Jerry it almost seemed to glow just as bright as the gold he was hoping to see after the map was at its use. "I'm rich." he muttered to himself, then he mentally slapped himself in the head saying "No, Jerry, this is for Mr.Gold." Then he would creep out the window and check if the captain had stopped talking. Once she did (Which she didn't for a while) he crept out when Captain Jones went in. 

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