Chapter 19: Licensing the Mother Nature Untitled Part 19

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They had returned to London 3 weeks after their visit from Mr.Degrey. That day, they immediately tried the pirates. Most people who were in the court wanted them to hang them, but Merabelle took pity on them and made them suffer in jail for the rest of their lives.

That night, Mr.Degrey wanted to celebrate the licensing of the ship and a welcome home party. They rented a ballroom and that night they celebrated. Everyone dressed nicely, including Merabelle who was wearing an ocean blue dress with pearls she found in one of the chests Mr.Gold hadn't taken. Denise helped her get ready. Denise was wearing a peach colored dress and had her hair in a very neat bun. "You know, I think you were right. I think dresses do kind of suit me." Merabelle said. "You see. I think I'll get into the clothes you wear." Denise said. "You know. We used to hate each other. Now we're acting like we're best friends...sisters probably." Merabelle said. Denise smiled. "I think I'll ask your friend to dance." Denise said. "About time for that. He's been waiting a long time." Merabelle said. Denise and Merabelle laughed. "It's time to go." Denise said.

They headed down a staircase that lead to a floor filled with people. Mr.Degrey was in a small group, he turned around, saw Merabelle and said. "Ah, Merabelle. I have something for you to sign."

Merabelle smiled and headed to the group. Kevin and Ethan barely noticed and stared at her. "Merabelle, you look different." Ethan said. "Thanks. I'll take that as a compliment.". "Well, I think you look beautiful." Kevin said. "Thank you, Kevin." Merabelle said smiling. "Alright, Ms.Dragunov. You want to captain the Mother Nature, correct?" Mr.Degrey asked. "Absolutely, sir." Merabelle said eagerly. "Then, sign this paper..and the ship is yours." Merabelle smiled a wide smile. She grabbed the quill and signed her name on the parchment. Igor came in and watched her sign the paper. He chattered happily.

Once she finished signing, the group applauded and Mr.Degrey said "Well, let's not just sit

around here and do nothing. Let's dance!" They group broke apart. Denise went to Ethan and asked him to dance. Of course he said yes. Merabelle went with Kevin. Mr.Degrey went with Mrs.Degrey, Ms.Jones went with Maximum. They celebrated with a toast later that evening "To Merabelle Dragunov, who has done so much for us, for her father." Mr.Degrey said. Everyone then raised their glasses and drank.

A few minutes afterwards when people were just talking, a strange boy snuck in through a window and carefully called Denise's name. Denise was with her father at the time, so she was distracted. "Father, may I be excused?" She asked. "Of course." he said. Denise put her glass on a hard surface, then snuck outside. Merabelle saw and got suspicious. She excused herself from talking to Kevin. Ethan saw her and asked "Where did Denise go?". "I don't know, mate, but we're about to find out." Merebelle said

They both snuck behind the door, listening in on Denise and the boy. "Sam, I can't talk about this right now, I'm busy." Denise said. "But love, I haven't seen you for 2-3 months. " "Sam, please go. My parents don't trust you. I don't trust you. I think it better if we don't see each other at all."Denise said walking away but, Sam, grabbed Denise's hand, and quite fiercely. "Stop it, that hurts!" Denise said. But, Sam wouldn't let go, he held onto it so tight, his nails were digging in to Denise's skin. "HEY!" Ethan yelled.

Sam stopped. "Who are you?" Sam asked in a disgusted tone. "Uh, I think the question is, who are you?" Ethan said. "I am Sam, Denise's boyfriend. Who are you? A peasant boy coming to take her away?" Sam said then laughed. "Yes, actually." Ethan said. Sam stopped laughing. "Like anyone could like the likes of you." Sam said coming closer to Ethan. "Hey, cool it, boy." Merabelle said standing up in front of Ethan. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" Sam asked Merabelle. Merabelle laughed and said. "I am Merabelle Dragunov, captain of the Mother Nature, daughter of Igor and Izerina Dragunov." Merabelle said. "You can't captain a ship. Your a girl." Sam said.

"Don't you dare talk to my best friend that way. Why don't you go back to that rubbish bin you live in." Ethan said. "How dare you!" Sam said. "My father is a knight of the king. He'll have all of your heads." Sam said. "Actually, I think we'll have your head." Ethan said, then he punched Sam in the stomach "Urgh, your going to pay for that." Sam said running off. "Way to go, Ethan." Merabelle said. "Thanks." Ethan said. "That felt good." Ethan said letting out a sigh. "Not, good...Brilliant!" Denis said going to Ethan and hugging him. "I'll leave you two alone. I'll go find Kevin." Merabelle said.

Later that night, Ms.Jones made an announcement. "May I have everyone's attention, please?" everyone turned their heads and looked at Ms.Jones. "I have agreed to take Maximum's hand in marriage." Applause filled the ballroom. She then showed them the ring Maximum gave her earlier that evening. It had a gold rim with a ruby in the middle. "Can't wait to get one of those." Merabelle said. "All in good time, Merabelle." Kevin said

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