Chapter 3: Mrs.Degrey

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The three were traveling town half the night and quarter of the morning searching for a place to get a ship. "Have we even thought this through, guys?": Ethan asked. The other two sighed and turned to Ethan. "Do we even have the money to rent this ship?". "Ethan we don't have to. We can show them the map and give us a boat." Merabelle said. "Do we really think that would ever happen?" Ethan asked. "I think it's worth a try." Kevin said. "We should look around some more. Maybe we came across it and we just missed it." Merabelle said.

They hitched a ride at the back of a wagon and looked around. Merabelle saw something and got off. "I think I've found it!" Merabelle said. The door of the building said "Degrey and Degrey Boat renters." She knocked on the door. A raspy old man answered. "May I help you?" the man wheezed. "Yes, sir. We wish to speak with the Degrays. We need to rent a ship." "Where are your parents." the man said. "Dead." They all said. "We came here to make a new life for ourselves. My father died just last night. We have his map." She showed the man her map. "I don't think this is real. IT'S A FRAUD! GET OUT OF HERE IMMEDIATELY!" The man yelled. "No, sir. My father made it when he buried the treasure." The man didn't listen. He slammed the door in their faces.

"Father! We do NOT do that." Said a voice from inside. The door opened again. A middle aged woman with long black hair and hazel brown eyes showed up at the door. "So sorry about that, dears. Please do come in." The 3 children stepped inside. The woman sat them down at a table with tea and biscuits.

"You dears look hungry. Please help yourselves." The woman said. The three children grabbed the tea and biscuits and ate hastily. "Are you Mrs.Degrey?" Merabelle asked. "Yes, I am. My husband is in the north for the season. What is it that you three have come for?" The woman asked. "Well, Mrs.Degrey" Merabelle said. "My father is Igor Dragunov. He illustrated his own map on one of his adventures. Sadly, he died last night and left me and my friends to have the adventure without him." "I'm so sorry dear." Mrs.Degrey said. "May I take a look at this map?"

Merabelle nodded and took the map out of her pocket and gave it to her. "Yes, this route seems quite familiar. Yes, indeed. This is no fraud. Lady and gentlemen. I have confirmed that this is a real map. Your father is very smart, young lady." Mrs.Degrey said. "But, the problem is Mrs.Degrey." Ethan said. "We haven't any money." "You just had to ruin it, didn't you." Merabelle said. "Not to worry, dears. I'll just rent a boat myself and have you kids on the ocean sailing to your pleased location in no time!" The kids got up and danced around the room. "Mum, what's all this noise?" A young female voice said.

"Oh! Denise! Come here. I'd like to introduce you some people." A girl at the age of 15 showed up. Ethan gave her goo-goo eyes. "Denise this is Merabelle and her friends Ethan and Kevin. "Hi." She said. "H-hi." Ethan said. "Mate, are you ok?" Merabelle asked. "I'm fine." Ethan said staring at Denise. Denise didn't care to notice. "So what is your purpose here?" Denise asked. "Well, my father, Igor Dragunov-" "-That man who owns that silly little bar? Tells the same story over and over? Ha!" Denise said interrupting her. "My father was a great man before he gained a drinking habit." Merabelle said impatiently. "Go on." Denise said. "Well, he went on plenty of adventures. Obviously you've heard the story since you know about the bar." Merabelle said.

"Yeah, yeah. He made up his own map and lost it and blah, blah, blah." Denise said. Merabelle rolled her eyes. "Well, he didn't lose it. Before he died last night, he gave me the map and his sword...well I took the sword from his corpse-." "Ugh, gross!" Denise said. "-and now I'm here and your mother is renting a ship for us."

"Good for you." Denise said. "Are you coming with us?" Ethan asked. "No. I'm staying here with my boyfriend, Sam." Denise said. "Oh, no you're not." Ms.Degrey said. "I do not trust you with that boy." Denise did a groan of disgust. "Then, can he come with us on the stupid voyage." Denise said. "No. You are coming with us. To make new friends and explore." Ms.Degrey said. "I'm sure we'll be fine with or without her." Merabelle said glaring at Denise. Denise rolled her eyes. "She is coming with us because no adult will be here." "What about Grandpa?" Denise asked. "You know he's is ill mannered. You are still coming with us." Denise once again rolled her eyes and stomped away.

"What's her problem?" Merabelle asked. "She's just going through a phase where she thinks that she's old enough to do this and that without asking first." Mr.Degrey said. "Something else must be bothering her." Ethan said. "Ms.Degrey. I think it has something to do with the fact that her father isn't around much. I mean you're here. But he isn't. She just needs her father. She probably thinks that having a boyfriend will help her cope with this problem." "Sir, Ethan I believe you are correct. I shall write to Mr.Degrey about returning early. Seeing to that it will help Denise at all."

She grabbed a quill and started to write on some parchment. The three waited patiently. "Heaven's, children. I barely noticed you are covered in ash! What happened to you last night?" "Let's just say that we were turned into roasted marshmallows." Ethan said. "Well, then. You children should get some new clothes. Merabelle, you shall borrow some of Denise's clothes." "Does she have a loose long-sleeve with pants, and boots?" Merabelle asked. "No, she has dresses." Ms.Degrey said. "Than I am not interested in sharing Denise's clothes. My style is well like my father's. Since I have been raised in a pub filled with other men, other than Ms.Watson I have never worn a dress in my life, nor do I have any interest in wearing one." Merabelle said. "Well, then I'll see to having the clothes you're wearing now get washed. But, you will have to wear a dress for a couple hours." Ms Degrey said. "Fine by me. As long as it's only temporary." Merabelle said.

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