Chapter 12: Treasure Hunt

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Once the pirates sailed to the island, they tied Merabelle and Kevin up back-to-back. They undid the blindfolds and they saw Mr.Gold looking down upon them, laughing maniacally. "Mmmf" Merabelle said with the gag still in her mouth. "Easy you two. I'm an easy man who will spare you mercy." Mr. Gold said. Merabelle scoffed and did a soft laugh. "Think I'm a liar, eh?" Mr.Gold said signalling one of the other pirates. The pirate got a knife and undid the ropes.

Merabelle took out the gag and stood, too smart to think of running away. Kevin did the same. "If you were an easy man who'd spare us mercy, you wouldn't have done anything like, uh, I don't know. PLANNING A MUTINY!" Merabelle said at the top of her lungs. "Yes, well. That's all part of being a professional pirate. Looking innocent to trick the innocent." Mr.Gold said with a sly smile. Merabelle rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Now, here's what we need from you." Mr.Gold said. "I need your compass. Give it now and you'll live. If you don't...well, then you probably know what's going to happen." Mr. gold took out a pistol and aimed it at Merabelle. Merabelle didn't flinch or reach into her pocket for the compass. "You won't be taking it either way because I don't have it." Merabelle said. "LIAR!" Mr.Gold said aiming the pistol higher at Merabelle's forehead. "Just give it to him, Merabelle." Kevin said in a panicked voice. "I already told you I don't have it !" Merabelle said. Mr.Gold pulled the trigger back. "Check me and still call me a liar." Merabelle challenged.

Mr.Gold did so and with that, he checked her arms, legs, and feet. He found nothing. "Well, then. I reckon you know the directions on your father's map." Mr.Gold said putting his gun away. "I don't know. Haven't really read it. I'm good with knowing what's north and south, not distance." Merabelle said. "Then you better try real hard, or else you just might be reunited with you father." He said pointing the pistol in his pocket. "What are you doing?" Kevin whispered to Merabelle. "Improvising." Merabelle whispered. "I hope this works." Kevin said. "Me too." Merabelle replied.

Mr.Gold took out the map from his other pocket. "Now, let's see 'ere. Wait, all I see is numbers and random letters. Can you read that, Jerry." He asked. Jerry took a look at it and shrugged helplessly. "You're useless. What about you, lass?" He asked. Merabelle nodded and took a look at it. "Oh, I know! It says." she looked at it for a moment then conjured up the words she wanted to say. "On a heading of 78 degrees north from here, walk 200 paces from the palm tree." Merablle said. "That way!" Mr.Gold yelled in a satisfied voice.

"Was that correct? Did it actually say that?" Kevin asked in a whisper. "Well, half of it. I made up the part about the palm tree. We were actually supposed to 78 degrees south 200 paces from a dune that was in the opposite direction." Merabelle whispered back. "You're brilliant!" Kevin said. "But, we're lying to pirates. Wouldn't that get us killed?" Kevin asked. "Well, we'll attempt an escape when their struggling to count to 200. These blokes probably can't even count to ten!" Merabelle said. The two snickered to themselves. "You know, Merabelle. I know your probably not interested in what I have to say-" "Kevin I'm always interested in what you have to say." Merabelle said. "Well, i've been wanting to tell you this for a while, but with everything that has been going on. I haven't had the chance." "You can tell me now. I'm pretty sure the pirates won't mind. See, I told you they'd struggle to count." Merabelle said pointing at the pirated who were counting their fingers and getting yelled at from Mr.Gold. "You idiots. Why did I even chose you to come along if you can't even count!" Mr.Gold said.

Merabelle and Kevin snickered at them for a moment , then Kevin continued. "You see, well. When I first met you when we were 7, I thought you were the greatest thing that happened in my life. I knew that I could cope with your father after looking at you." Merabelle, who was moved by this started to blush. "Wow, your really a romantic, aren't you?" she said. "When Ethan came along when we were nine, I thought he'd take you away from me, but I have been proved wrong about that because we are best friends, and he fancies the one who hired these prats." Merabelle giggled and said. "Kevin, that's really sweet of you. I sort of felt the same way. When Ethan came along, I thought I'd had to choose between the two of you. But, now it's different. Since you obviously feel the same way I do," Merabelle said. Kevin smiled and grabbed Merabelle's hand. "No matter what these pirates do to us, we'll go through together." Merabelle squeezed Kevin's hand. "Thanks." Merabelle said.

"Merabelle, are you leading us incorrectly?" Mr. Gold asked. "No, sir. Your idiotic crew members just can't count." Merabelle said. "I'd probably would've killed you for saying that, but what you said is one hundred percent true." Mr. Gold said. "Why don't you come count for us?" Mr.Gold said. "Sure, Mr.Gold." Merabelle said. Merabelle started from the palm tree a couple feet back (they really didn't get that far) and started counting

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