Chapter 7:Suspicious Characters

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Kevin and Merabelle were called down by Captain Jones for roll call of the crew. Since the captain already knew they were there so they stayed by the captain's cabin in front of the doors along with Ms.Degrey and Denise.

Mr.Bullseye called the names of the crew. "Havarti Gold!" he said. "Aye Aye Sir!" the Mr. Gold said. "Steven!" "Aye!" a man with shaggy hair said. "Rodger!", "Aye, sir!" a man that was shorter than captain Jones. "Jerry!" "Aye, Aye!" said a man with a "Larry!" "Aye" said a man missing an ear. "Frank." "Aye!" said a rather large and tall man.

Captain Jones nodded her head then said. "Ladies and Gentlemen, may I see you in my cabin immediately?" Captain Jones asked. The three children and Ms.Degrey and Denise went in the captain's cabin while Mr.Bullseye followed.

They all sat down at a round table. As soon as they sat down, Captain Jones said in her loudest voice, "Who hired this crew? This is no doubt the most devious spawns from Hell I've ever seen so who hired them?!" Everyone was silent and they pointed to Mrs.Degrey, and Mrs.Degrey pointed to her daughter. "Your daughter hired the crew?" Captain Jones said both confused and disappointedly. "Uh, yeah. I had to do something. So, I met this guy Havarti Gold at a weird small bakery in town and I hired him to hire the crew, but he said he wanted something more than to just hire random people, so I gave him the job of the ship's cook." Denise said bored.

"A cook? And the daughter of a boat renter? This voyage isn't really starting out so well. Ms.Dragunov, I know your father gave you the treasure map, but I think you should hand it to me for safekeeping." Captain Jones informed Merabelle. "I'll be carefull with it, ma'am. I promise. I'd rather have something bad happen to me than to you if this crew gets out of hand." Merabelle said stashing the map in the pocket of her vest. "I'd hope it didn't have to come to this, Ms. Dragunov. But, as captain I order you to give me the map." Captain Jones said. Merabelle took out the map and gave to her. "Mr.Bullseye, put it in my drawer. Remember to lock it." Mr.Bullseye did nodded his head grunting and did so.

There was a knock on the door. Merabelle stood and opened the door. Havarti came in strolling a cart. "Begging your pardon, ladies and gentlemen. But, I have a present for you lads and lasses." There was a small chest. He opened it and a bottle was inside it. "I've brought this from my bakery. I used to use it to mix it with my rum cakes, but now I think it will be a lot better if we drank it." There were also glasses on the cart, which Ms.Degrey took gladly. "Sorry, but I'm not allowing any drinking on this voyage, for we must set an example for this crew." Captain Jones said.

"Yes ma'am. I shall tend to my duty and make sure that every drop of alcohol is thrown overboard." Havarti said. He turned the cart around and headed out the door. "You want to come along, Merabelle?" Havarti asked. "Sure." Merabelle said. Squirt chattered loudly. "Squirt, you don't have to come if you don't want to." Merabelle said. But, Squirt just hung on Merabelle's shoulders. "Well, I'm going, so you better stop chattering now." Merabelle said warningly. Squirt stopped and slapped himself in the head. "Thatta boy." Merabelle said.

Merabelle walked out with Squirt on her shoulders. Kevin and Ethan were left behind. "Wow, she abandons her friends to hang out with a cook? Some friend." Ethan said. "Shut up, Ethan. You fancy the girl who hired this wretched crew." Kevin said. Ethan rolled his brown eyes as he stared into Kevin's ocean blue ones. "And you fancy our best friend!" Ethan said. Kevin turned pink and stayed silent. 

Star Sailor TrioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora